"My Arms, Your Hearse" Versions


Stained Glass Music
May 5, 2002
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How many versions of this album exist?

I have the one from Century Black which has the logo and the title printed on the cover of the sleeve... There are no bonus tracks...

I know of the re-issue which just has the Opeth logo printed on the front sleeve and the title is printed vertically down the spine of the jewel case, printed on the inside of the tray card....

Is there a version that does not have the logo or the title printed on the cover? Akin to the original versions of Orchid and Morningrise?
three, i believe.

the original candlelight release, which i believe lacks opeth's name on the front.

then there is the century media rerelease, which has the name on the front, and the simple book.

then there is the candlelight rerelease, which has the added features in the book.
Which features are new in the candlelight booklet?

Do you mean the new bonustracks which are mentioned in the tracklist or some other changes?
One the re-release there is info on the bonus tracks on the inside front cover, a pic, on the centre pages is the story, I think there's another pic on the next page, maybe some thankyou messages. On the back is the album info, who did what etc. Hope that helps.
I like the book in the one I have, the Century Black one. You just open it up and all that's inside is a solid block of text. It's a little frightening.
Originally posted by Hondo
I like the book in the one I have, the Century Black one. You just open it up and all that's inside is a solid block of text. It's a little frightening.

I thought it was rad as. The bonus tracks on the release ive got are Circle Of Tyrants andRemember Tomorrow. I want the original copy though.
Don't want to blow my own horn or anything...But I have all the original Opeth releases. No logo or title on the front cover all the way from Orchid to MAYH. So, in answer, yes...there definately was an original non-logo version...
I myself tried looking for the original copies of both MORNINGRISE and MAYH...but, to no avail. It's hopelessly useless...so, I settled for the re-issues which are fine by me, I guess...though, I would really like to have the originals. (it's still kinda cool to see the logo of the band on the cover's in a way, too...)
Originally posted by Dvoters
I there anywhere on the net where you can pick up the originals? I really badly want them, plus I want a proper copy of Orchid, I've only got a burnt copy :P I can't seem to find even one version of Orchid anywhere.


CDnow.com has orchid, and i though theendrecords.com did too, maybe not.
Yes. There are all of these versions, and then there is the unreleased pre-production version of the whole album (there used to be clips from this on the net back when the album was to be released). Mikael sounds different since he wasn't sick and some bits are played just a bit differently (very minor changes).
