My Band's Name

It doesn't really matter what you name your band as long as you're happy with it.

Find a name, and do a search on either a band name register or and you'll find a half dozen or more using the same name :loco:

So, in reality, it just doesn't matter. ;)
My brothers band is called Selkerf, its freckles spelt backwards, and then altered... dont ask why... but they aint metal really, as all the members have diferent music tastes, as in death metal, thrash, punk rock and a bit of power metal, they all into prog tho... and now the composer has written a 'Prunk' song (prog/punk) and um... its diferent....

my band is simply called Militia, we all into thrash metal so that what we play, i dont think we could do much tech metal anyway but i'll try and convince em :P