Here are all the files consolidated, lined up, ready to go.
(Including .wavs of each drum/cymbal)
(The guitars are all dry so you'll need to replace the tone and i wouldn't advise using my drum sounds either:/ ha) Miles and

If you prefer to use MIDI to do the drums heres a .mid file for you.

Here's a quick mix of the song to give you an idea of the intended feel. 2.mp3

Keen to hear what you guys can do with it. :lol:
It's not working for me, I guessed the tempos. I see that the MIDI is only for the kick and snare. I dunno where to put toms/cymbals, so it'd be nice if you could supply that in the midi. I don't quite feel like/have time now to listen to all of the sound files and create midi note by note, y'know?
It's not working for me, I guessed the tempos. I see that the MIDI is only for the kick and snare. I dunno where to put toms/cymbals, so it'd be nice if you could supply that in the midi. I don't quite feel like/have time now to listen to all of the sound files and create midi note by note, y'know?

All drums are included in the midi. Not just the kick and snare.
You just didn't look high enough on the keys :lol:

Also the tempo is included in the midi.

it's basically a win-win situation.
He gives us stuff to practice and he has more mixes to choose from.
So what's the problem with that, if u don't like that working flow than stay away from it.

So you want a variety of people to submit mixes, but you will only pay the one you like the best?


If you are submitting files for people to practice, that's one thing, but to say this?


Hey if you don't like it. DON'T DO IT. Doesn't bother me.
I've done things like this before and had welcome and warm responses.
Doesn't sound like such a bad deal to me.
your drum midi is all over the place. any chance you could tell us what you have each drums mapped to. For example kick to c, and i know your snare is c# what about the rest. Or any chance you could post a midi with the drums mapped to what they usually are, kick c, snare d, hates f# etc...
I just imported everything into reaper...
-midi imported fine with tempo map.
-the midi worked perfectly with addictive drums and on default drums it sounds exactly like (Whole song run through on drums.wav)
-tempo starts off @ 180bpm, then goes to 140bpm thereafter @ 23.1.00 or 0:29:333