my computer is all fagged out and i'm furious!

so... anyway, i got to leave work at 3. but i came in this morning and one of my coworkers helped herself and finished off all my sugar free hot chocolate! THE SLUT!
i know. this bitch eats mad candy too so she should get her own crappy sugar filled hot chocolate and back off of mine.
my desk isn't the fucking weight watchers headquarters!

annnyway, my boss felt bad and went and got a box and split it with me. so now i am contented. for the time being.
sounds like somebody has a case of the "mondays." :( :( :(

i haven't worked at a job since Feb. :) :) :) but i can still hax the DNS liek a motherfucker.

almost forgot...if you're having RAM problems, try this app called Cacheman.