My Death Metal Band Needs A Name!!!

rofl @ "Scrotal anhilation"

nice name. haha.

nice signature btw. Rhapsody is great entertainment, the video for rain of a thousand flames (at least i think its that video) where they are fighting a big fireball with swords.... hilarious!
Christ punchers... HAHAHAHAHAHA! thats ace. Just the image conjoured from it, we dont kick, we dont stab... we punch :headbang: haha

There's a Rhapsody vid where they are just froloking around in a wood with replica swords while really fake cartoony fire rains down form the sky, I dont know what that vids for though but its ACE!!! In a really cheesy funny way!
Spirit In Black said:
Hell's Satans

The Christ Punchers
Hey! Those are from the Simpson's, you thieving metal bastard.
You had another one though I didn't recognise it.

Anyway, Howard The Duck's Metal Army Of Fuck.

LordFireworm said:
Hey! Those are from the Simpson's, you thieving metal bastard.
You had another one though I didn't recognise it.

Anyway, Howard The Duck's Metal Army Of Fuck.

Haha all three were from the Simpsons.....someone finally noticed