My Dying Bride's "34.788% ..." production ... awesome!


Sep 16, 2006
Santiago, Chile
I've been listening to this album lately and I'm amazed by the production ... sounds huge, heavy and "natural" at the same time. I've always liked MDB's production ever since "turn loose the swans", but I think this particular album is outstanding production-wise IMHO.

Does anybody know more technical details about it? I know it was recorded at the academy with Mags on the desk ... I assume the amps are 5150's... and that's about it ... I would like to know more details. Feel free to comment about it!!

I don't know any technical details what soever apart from that the drums are recorded in some church I read in a interview with Aaron a while ago... lol... but I agree it has awsome production propobly my favourite mdb album... sounded fresh and original when it first came out... I don't know why it was so badly receaved by the fans though... :kickass:
A Line of Deathless Kings and Like Gods of the Sun both sound phenominal.

Like Gods Of The Sun sounds massive.

I've always been a fan of their mixes. They're surprisingly stripped down given their rather grandiose, dramatic sound- you can tell there's not a lot of layering going on (there's some stuff I'd swear is just one guitar a side), the drums are usually pretty natural (besides swimming in reverb), and it's pretty obvious they're not playing to a click on a lot of stuff. They're generally a fairly loose, "organic" sounding band.

34.788... is one of the few albums of theirs I don't have. Though I probably should.

Any love for The Light At The End Of The World here?
MMM .... In fact every MDB album has a great production ... Maybe I'm a bit biased because this is my favourite one. I gotta admit that I wasn't so impressed back when it was released, but it really grew on me with time, to the point that it became my top one.

I guess that in this particular album they managed to avoid a lot of the goth-doom clichès, with kind of a more "contemporary" approach while still keeping the sad-miserable vibe. That's exactly what may have dissapointed some of their fans, and that's exactly what I think is great about it. Maybe it was a bit ahead of its time.

I think the drummer's performance is also superb in this album!

"The dreadful hours" is also awesome. "TLATEOTW" ... mmm.. it was a bit of a letdown for me when it was released, because I wasn't expecting this "step back" to their older style ... I thought that it wasn't such an "inspired" album, though I haven't listened to it for a good couple years ... maybe it's time to give it another listen.

Nice, my dying bride fans :)

I really like the production on "The Light...", not that i think it sounds very good, but it has a feel to it that just feels.. good :) I guess that's my favourite mdb album.

We (Sabachthani) have just finished recording a cover of "The cry of mankind" that will appear on a "Tribute to My Dying Bride". Maybe I can post the song here in a few days.
Been a MDB fan since the beginning,Personally I like them better when aaron growled. the EP and As the flower withers just own. Like gods of the sun is my favorite post growl album
When I first heard Like Gods of the Sun with the single "For You" I though it was the greatest song I've heard on TV. it sounded massive, weird/original video clip, unique. Great songs great album.

34.788% is a masterpiece in its own way. Nobody was expecting that type of album at the time and they did it. Maybe fans didn't get it... fuck that. Awesome album.

I have all the cd's they put back from the start, till the latest.

In the beginning they were doing something different in the death metal scene but in a very weird but ORIGINAL kind of way. Then they found they're sound, improved it, twisted it, and gone back to it.

"Like gods of the Sun" and "34.788%" are albums everyone should listen if doesn't know the band because they are masterpieces. For the rest, I don't care that much...
all their albums are great. I loved covering "like gods of the sun" in my old band. and "As the flower withers" and "turn loose the swans" are my favorite records for that super raw but well mixed production.