My feelings about Kalmah (and why they rule!)


AKA Addicted To Death
Nov 16, 2001
Chicago, Illinois
Okay the guitar work is extraordinary!! (obviously) I mean i could go on and on about how fuckin' awesome the guitar work is!! Another reason why i love this band: Pekka's vocals! Haunting is one word that immediately comes to mind! i seriously can't get enough of them! Can't wait for the new album Guys!
Too bad its gonna be another six months or so before the new album is here.:bah:
2003 is already looking to be a great year of music. Children of Bodom, Skyfire, Kalmah, Ensiferum, Old Man's Child, and Dimmu Borgir all are gonna have new albums.:headbang:
My opinion's still forming. I just bought Swamplord on a whim, but I just finished listening to my first Kalmah song.
Sure, the guitars rule and the vocals rule, but nobody's said anything about the keys. I'm a guitar player, myself, but I think the keyboard/guitar harmonies are amazing! I've never heard anything like it. Admittedly, I haven't been exposed to many bands of Kalmah's nature, but what I have heard, I like. If anybody has any suggestions about other kickass bands, let me know ;)

I am a big fan of COB and recently heard about Kalmah.
I hear they are heavier, darker and that the vocals are eerie... that sounds awesome, are they more "black metal" than COB?

cause I'd really like to know more about them.
I liked their lyrics cause they don't write satanic or pagan imagery, and that rocks cause I am a christian :)

so anyway

any good songs for me to start?