My first label release is out!


Apr 5, 2002
Melbourne, Australia
... sort of.

The guys have uploaded two tracks from the record on their Myspace here:

You can also hear one of them in higher quality on my site here:

Just scroll down until you see the mp3 player on the left and play 'Peace' by 'Eye of the Enemy'.


It's exciting to finally have worked on something that will be heard by more than a dozen people. Musically, these guys are one of the best bands I've worked with, so this is a CD I feel that many of you will be interested in when it finally does launch.

It was a true collaborative effort:

-Tracking done by the band.
-Rhythm reamping done by Lasse.
-Lead reamping done by me.
-Mixing done by me.
-Mastering done by Mr. Plec.

Anyway, if you have a few spare moments please go and have a listen. I hope you find the music to your liking.

Music hasn't really blown me away yet.......not bad I must say, which is saying somethinga, because I tend to not want to listen if the genre tags on myspace say "thrash metal" because I'm pretty sick of that genre in general, but these guys definitely have a certain vibe about them that's pretty cool. Remains to be seen if it grows on me or not.
Maybe catching the band live might perk my interest more.
Production is good, as I'd expect from a team like Lasse, Plec and you (band's tracking is not bad at all), but obviously Myspace is not the best place to make a full judgment on how it sounds
Harry- their EP was at one stage available for free download. Maybe check their myspace/ website to see if it is still there and give that a go first. The EP was quite diverse (for "thrash") so I enjoyed it a lot.
Congratz Ermz!
Sounds really perfect!
Like Harry I'm pretty sick of that genre too, but I must stay the songwriting seems to be stronger than lots of other things I listen too. Some good leads. Great sound overall. The voice is really great, and well processed too! very clear.
You can feel all the hard work behind it!
In terms of sound, it's in the same league of big metal names productions.
Again Congrats
Great band, great album from what I've heard ;) It's an honor to share a label with them for sure!
They aren't really thrash to be honest. They have more of like a lamb of god meets arch enemy flare to them. So it's more death metal/ thrash/ melo death :p

Good stuff though! Ermin, the production shines mate!
Hey guys, I'm glad that many of you are liking it.

The guys definitely aren't a standard flavor of thrash. It's mingled with elements of melodic death, metalcore and just outright tech/groove. Chris nailed it with the Lamb of God meets Arch Enemy thing. You won't be hearing any 80s here (apart from some of the solos... but we'll fix that next time around).

I just noticed that you can pre-order the CD via their Myspace.
Holy shit.

To elaborate.. this is awesome. MySpace is always really hard to judge, but it sounds pretty flawless to me. The guitars are amazing (and I rarely say this), snare is really smooth, love the kick and the bass pops out at all the right moments. Music is pretty damn good too.

Can we get a high quality mp3? If not through Dropbox, through Soundclick (so we can't download, if thats an issue).
I'd love to, Morgan, and I've been asking for permission from the label to showcase one of the songs on my own, higher-bitrate MP3 player, but I've had no response yet. You'll know as soon as I do.
Amp was EVH 5150III red channel, doubletracked through Mesa cab.
Dual Mic'd with one consender and one dynamic (I'm usually having one of those between 3-6dB higher than the other, not sure how Ermin did it though)