My First Mix on here. Audio Files Included.


Oct 8, 2009
Alrite Guys this is my forst ever mix submitted on here and though it was about time after three or four months of reading and commenting.

This is a song i got from a tutor at college who used to work in top London Recording studio.

This is my mix, please comment and let me know what you think.... Wabbit.wav

[EDIT] not metal guys!

These are the audio files if any of you guys fancy a try..... RABBIT RUN - 93

I looked more into that bass track and i actually carnt find it, even in my logic session i have it cuts out about 1 min in.

Dont know what has happened, so no more bass guys sorry
Definately one of the best mixes I've heard here in a while. Refreshing to say the least.
I'll be giving this one a go later today.
Wow, awesomely tracked and I LOVE the vocals, awesome singer and great job mixing it.

I'd raise the overheads a bit, and lower the snare bottom (too loud and too bright), but other than that its great. Def gonna mix this.
At work now so can't listen.. but I bookmarked this thread for reading later :).
Thanks alot, love to get new tracks to practice my mixing skills with :kickass:
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That's what I get when clicking the MP3
I love this song, I totally don't have time to mix it but I just had to come in and say that I really enjoy listening to it.

My only qualm is that it comes in a little abruptly, but other than that I think its bloody great.
The download link is up again! Now all that's missing is the bass part... could you upload that one please? I'd like to give this a shot, I like the song :D