My First Mix on here. Audio Files Included.

Alrite guys, been busy Last couple of days.

The bass track is cutting out half way on the one in my back up folder to.

I will try and locate the full thing today, and post it Tonight.

Links should be working fine aswell now.
when i did mine i used all three kicks and had the room mono low passed at bout 500hz i think then used the stereo room mics to add abit of natural reverb to it.

I looked more into that bass track and i actually carnt find it, even im my logic session i have it cuts out about 1 min in.

So nothing i can do guys, really bummer i know.
Did a mix today of this song, Theres no bas as the track I have it cuts out at 1 min.... so didnt bother with that!.
As usual its not mastered just the raw mix!. I used all the tracks, plus I made a snare sample from the mono room track, which I made so it sounded gated and put in aswell.
Thx for the tracks!, and kudos really well recorded :kickass:

Heres the mix

Run Rabbit Run
Listen to the song and decide dude.

It was Track at a professional London studio.

And is really well tracked
Really good song and awesomely tracked! Pity that the bass is mysteriously gone missing.

Here's my shot at it, i tried to keep it as honoust as i can mixing wise. All natural soundzz, it might be a little on the soft side, but it's a soft song right? ;)