My largest sounding mix - Metalcore etc.

No, nothing taken personally.

I'm not even talking about the clipping thing anymore. It's old news, but Ermz mentioned that he agreed, and it was already done and out of his control.

My post with all the bullets was my reasoning behind Ermz's statement, "At the end of the day nobody cares if you make the best mix in the world."

I was explaining why people surely do care, hence the little rant I want on about it. I want to support Ermz's faith in pushing for things to be their best, because his drive is what keeps his customers around, and will continue for him to get more of it.

I think you just dissected my post for the negatives, or perhaps I wasn't clear enough :)
about the clipping thing : ERMZ - fg x will unfortunately not kill the clipping in sustain notes :-(
well if your going for a -10db master it will, but my recent tryouts i couldnt completely get rid of mentioned phenomena.

and about your project not turning out the way you intended : its almost always the same for me.
its great that we have a vision when starting a production - but i guess it can never be 100% controlled
(not even by the big names) - i think every band has their sound, even if we replace
all the drums, reamp guitars etc. but in my experience sound is 80 % arrangement. and most
younger bands are just not capable of writing material that could ever sound perfect.
Absolutely, dcb. No matter how much you try, you're ultimately still limited by the raw ingredients. It was mentally liberating when I made the shift from 'I gotta do the best mix in the world' to 'I gotta do the best mix for this band'. It makes a lot more sense, and it reduces the self loathing by a few orders.

I recall when Bernhard was doing his mixes a little while back. He always had sick low-end and punchy drums, but he ALWAYS did this Bergstrand-ripoff mix, for every band, even if it didn't fit. At that point you just have to sit back, listen and maybe say 'y'know, for these guys maybe having the guitars a little too loud is necessary, or maybe I should make these drums a bit thinner'. Gotta be fluid I guess. I'm fortunate in that I will be working with a wide array of both metal and rock artists in the coming months, so fluidity is quickly becoming a prime staple of the process.
hey guys just thought I'd chuck in my 2 cents. I was the rhythm guitarist in Untruth at the time this EP was recorded but have since left to do the whole rock thing lol. Anyhow, thanks to those that have commented that they like the song, I do appreciate though that its not everyone's cup of tea. With regards to the mix though it really did come out sounding amazing considering what Ermz had to work with. We didn't have a lot of time or money going into the studio (poor university students) so it was a bit rushed and in the inputs were definitely not as good as they could have been. I think that a lot of you guys would appreciate this mix even more had you heard the original material. So huge props to Ermz. I think you're a genius at this stuff ha ha. Ermz, I'll be in touch about perhaps taking a look at mixing my new band's EP.
Hey Bryce, good to see you on here mate. Nice to hear that you're still keeping busy... and it's funny that we both seem to be headed more in the rock direction. I hope your own audio engineering exploits have been going well. I look forward to catching up whenever we get a chance. Working with you guys is still a fond memory of mine.

Thanks to the rest of you guys who dig it!