My latest album cover art...

Hey Dan, I'm working on an EP atm and I assume buying the rights to this cover art would be far cheaper than having you do up a new one from scratch, so I'd like to put a hold on it for now if I could! (gotta ask the other two dudes but I'd imagine they'd be down for like ~$25 each)
I like that one with the ships the best. And your rates are super cheap. Always try to get half up front, non-refundable, for your time. I speak from experience. =)
The fucking cunts that commissioned me to do this have split up, so about 3 weeks of my time was wasted. :mad:


If anyone happens to want this artwork for their own band (obviously without the logo and title), they can have it for a super-cut price.

Sorry for plugging/spamming whatever.

I'm really glad you would be using that awesome artwork on another band who's name and logo doesn't suck total ass. Decadent city, what the fuck is that supposed to mean? and the logo with the little building just makes me lol in stupidity hahahaha

Sorry I couldn't have the way to pay for that art (and I have a personal graphic designer friend who makes awesome artwork for free to me) but just saying it kicks ass, you're great at what you do man. Doing art was always my frustrated dream, I suck so badly at drawing and all that kind of stuff
This is great stuff man!

I used to do a bit of photoshop myself, but this stuff is way beyond what I used to do, good job! The focus issue you're talking about with the Repka style one I'm sure will be remedied once you stick a big old Thrash logo in there :)

Also, out of interest, how big a canvas do you work in for like the decadent city one? And are you at 300dpi or higher?
*starts one of those cartoon-y brawls where its just a cloud of dust and occasional fists and stuff flying out*

No but seriously, Dan, my band would be interested in your artistic services. We are recording an album right now but since it's self produced it's going pretty slow and steady so I'll let you finish up your current stuff and maybe we can plan to do something later in the next few months?

I'll PM you soon about it
Cheers man. How does £50 sound, and for that i'll sort you out with a cool logo if you don't already have one...

I think £50 is ridiculously low price!!! Usually cover artists charge something like 300 euros and up for pre-made art of this quality.
Just saying because I can't get people who work for (almost) free..
Cheers man!

I've got another one that I've been working on recently.... It's a total Thrash cover. Not finished yet though - the man at the front looks too disconnected from the rest of the image which is annoying me. I tried to make it a cross between my style and Ed Repka (who did the classic Megadeth/Death and every other thrash band's art). Cheesey post nuclear war style!


You're doing awesome work, don't get me wrong. I also know this is an old thread, so it may be too late anyway, but my only gripe with this piece so far is the third light pole back looks way too small. It doesn't fit the perspective quite right, and it just looks like for some reason they built a smaller light pole there :lol:
Man, that's hard to answer quickly...

Put VERY simply, it's just combining a million different photos and images in photoshop haha. (ok - hundreds, not millions). Some bits I draw directly in photoshop myself, eg seaspray, smoke and that ridge right in the middle of the desert are just drawn with paintbrushes.

There must be about 10 different photos of skies for example (that's before you get into lightning territory). It's basically finding a way to combine lots of different stuff together to make it look cohesive.
Each indiviual image is altered so much, from brightness/contrast, to sharpness/bluriness, to saturation of colour etc to make sure it blends in properly.
Then often, each image will be copied a few times and set to different layer styles (eg "hard light", "overlay", "multiply" or whatever) and then with different opacities for the desire effect.

can i get a fuck yes for linear light and overlay XD?
If I didn't know any better I would have just said those were paintings, VERY nicely done though. One question, what would it take (financially) to tweak an already exisiting concept (Have a t-shirt design I'm working on but I'm using Paint Shop Pro and things aren't coming together quite the way I would like.