New Tarot album cover art+tracklist

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The new Tarot-video "Ashes To The Stars" is now available for download at the band's website *here* :rock:

Also, I went to see an awesome Tarot gig :notworthy last Friday Nov 3rd at Kouvola, Finland and since I had my camera with me, you can see how the band was doing on stage *by clicking here*

They played five tracks from the new CD: Crows Fly Black, Traitor, Before The Skies Come Down, Bleeding Dust and Ashes To The Stars and 10 older songs. Small venue, but packed to the top notch. Hope you guys will get to see them at PP one day... :cool:

Damn, how I wish I could see them live some day SOON!! :rock:

The new album "Crows Fly Black" is a killer!! :notworthy So many great tracks! Can't wait to hear some live versions.
I hope their new label Nuclear Blast will give them the promotion they deserve and we'll finally get to see them over here!!

About the video - couldn't say it any better than The Enigma did in the TAROT-Forum:

The Enigma said:
I love this video because it brings back all the good memories from the past
Oh yes, old science fiction rules! Ashes To The Stars is definitely a big bow to all the classic sci-fi authors and movie directors. Watching the video two names Arthur C. Clarke and Stanislaw Lem were like written bold on top of the scenes. If you've seen movies 2001: A Space Odyssey (Clarke) by Stanley Kubrick (1968) and Solaris (Lem) by Andrei Tarkovsky (1972) then the video may look more than familiar.
I received Crows Fly Black a week ago from Record Shop X and I'm enjoying the hell out of it. I also saw the video the other night on the website. This is a great band.

I've got Suffer Our Pleasures and For The Glory Of Nothing on order and can't wait to get them as well!

Too bad Glenn has all but ruled out them playing PPVIII (but I'm still holding out hope that his post was just put out there to keep us off the trail.) ;)
Canadian webzine published just yesterday, Nov 9th an interesting report from Rock To The River festival held in August 12. - 13. at Imatra, Finland. The report is written by an Australian lady who travels every year to Europe for metal festivals.

Gigs by Tarot and some other metal bands of great interest to many people on these forums (Sonata Arctica, Twilightning, Helloween) are covered and she also had a nice long talk with Zachary Hietala of Tarot, which is included in the report. Very good read overall, so go ahead and *click here*

Glenn ruled them out for ProgPower (or it looked like he did, anyway....)
But he didn't rule them out for the pre-par-- err, Showcase! :lol:
Yes, from the promoter's point of view Glenn is right, he need to have a signed contract on his table by the new year to make all things click for the next PP festival.

Then again, both Nigtwish and Tarot have the same agency King Foo selling their gigs and settling timetables which makes it much more flexible and easy to avoid conflicts with schedules. Maybe Glenn knows more than we mortals do? :u-huh:
What's been said in tha latest interviews with Tuomas Holopainen is that Nightwish will decide the new singer's name by the new year, but not reveal her identity before summer when they'll release the first single. The new CD will be launched in autumn 2007 and the world tour will start in the USA about the same time (except maybe the traditional album release gig/party in their hometown?)
According to Zac & Marco Tarot will tour in Finland and possibly in central Europe until the end of next summer, and when NW starts touring Marco will join them and Tarot will go to hiatus.

Just a thought, but theoretically speaking, both bands could visit Atlanta in the beginnign of October 2007 if the terms were right, the stars were bright and the moon in favourable position... :p
Canadian webzine published just yesterday, Nov 9th an interesting report from Rock To The River festival held in August 12. - 13. at Imatra, Finland. The report is written by an Australian lady who travels every year to Europe for metal festivals.

Gigs by Tarot and some other metal bands of great interest to many people on these forums (Sonata Arctica, Twilightning, Helloween) are covered and she also had a nice long talk with Zachary Hietala of Tarot, which is included in the report. Very good read overall, so go ahead and *click here*

That was an absolutley excellent report on Rock To The River by Natasha.
Interesting discussion with Zac, excellent photos and informative commentary on the bands, the fest and the Imatra in general. Really enjoyed reading it. Fans of Tarot or any of the other bands should read this. :kickass: