New Tarot album cover art+tracklist

sarawi said:
YES!!! :rock: :rock: :rock:

WAAH! :waah:

Guess we will have to go to Finland to see them once in our lives... :worship: :worship: :worship: :worship:

Pre-ordered "Crows Fly Black" in Finland, too, of course. One more month to go!
:rock: :rock: :rock:
Go to Finland! It's really easy and not too expensive as Aki has stated in his post. The people are great and most speak English and they have so many great bands who have yet to play here. I used to think places like that were just too far away, but I've been 3 times! It really doesn't cost all that much (cost me as much to fly from Jersey to SanAntonio) and it's a helluva lot of fun!

That said, I'm still begging for Tarot to come to the states. I just hope they have some time to tour a little after this next release before NW starts again.
The cover looks like Edward Scissorhands just couldn't take cutting those poodle's fur anymore.

Nevertheless, Tarot fucking rules, and I'm looking forward to the new disc.
pollution said:
Seriously.. go for it!

You know if you happen to be anywhere near Frankfurt or Cologne/Bonn you could do it for damn cheap too. Ryanair flies from Frankfurt to Tampere and Tampere's location is great for going to some other cities (like Helsinki or Jyväskylä which is where I live at, always have some free crashing space for fellow PP'ers here :)).

I'm rather sure this will come too fast for you but if you won't be too busy in 3 weeks and got a little extra cash, Tarot will be playing Tampere the 13th of October and the roundtrip flight tickets from Frankfurt to Tampere would be only about 68 euros including taxes and fees. You could stay at a hotel just a few blocks from the venue which is 55 euros/night (fixed price for 1-4 persons staying in the room so with more than one it's damn cheap).

Tarot will very probably also play here where I live in November/December after the new album is out and I'll be going there to see them for the 18th time (sorry, hehe). Let me know if you wanna try to make it.

18 times!!! Don't you tell me that! :cry:

Pyramaze51 said:
My only hope to see them live for the next year or so is if Glenn does a 2 for 1 or 3 for 1 and has NIGHTWISH, TAROT, and BROTHER FIRETRIBE at Progpower VIII. Which would really kickass.

AMBR said:
Go to Finland! It's really easy and not too expensive as Aki has stated in his post. The people are great and most speak English and they have so many great bands who have yet to play here. I used to think places like that were just too far away, but I've been 3 times! It really doesn't cost all that much (cost me as much to fly from Jersey to SanAntonio) and it's a helluva lot of fun!
That said, I'm still begging for Tarot to come to the states.

You guys are phantastic! Thanks for supporting me, - you have no idea how good it feels to read your posts. As here in Germany, I often feel like the very last Tarot fan left in the world...

Regarding the live situation, - whenever I approach any promoter here, they say in unison "But Tarot are not known here." A-ha. And why are they not known? (which I actually doubt, at least since Marco's with NW) Because they're never invited to present themselves live! :mad:

Aki, we saw a blond guy wearing a Tarot T-shirt in the press pit of the PP (while Savage Circus and Epica were playing) - was that you?

Thank you for all the details and links you cared to point out to me! I copied them to my HDD (and I'm damn ready to use them!!).

In fact, we do seriously think about going to Finland to see Tarot live, but I'm not sure if we can make it this year (although we'll try). Of course, we consider the fact that NW will be on again next year, still I was thinking that this won't be before summer (as the CD won't be ready before 6 or 7 months from September, as I've read on their homepage). We had intended to come to Jyväskylä last weekend when Tarot opened for WASP, having all our plans ready concerning flights, trains, hotels & tickets. We had thought Tarot and Brother Firetribe in one showcase would be a once-in-a-lifetime event. Unfortunately, as we had an extended rock festival summer and, in addition to that, just returned from Atlanta, we lacked that "little extra cash" you mentioned ;) .

And after re-thinking the matter, I must honestly tell you: I'd definitely shoot myself if I came to Finland to watch some other band entering the stage after Tarot having played for 30 minutes ONLY!!! :ill:
So when plans get concrete again (which I hope is to be soon!!!), we will try to pick a set (or two???) with a longer Tarot playing time, if possible.

By the way, we live in Cologne (the Germanwings capitol :) !). And if ever you might want to come over here for any rock concert, just let us know! (Belgium and the Netherlands are also not too far away from here.) Or maybe you wanna go to the "Rock Hard" Festival or the "Bang Your Head" in Balingen? If nothing serious happens, we will damn sure be there, too!

:rock: :rock: :rock:
sarawi said:
You guys are phantastic! Thanks for supporting me, - you have no idea how good it feels to read your posts. As here in Germany, I often feel like the very last Tarot fan left in the world...

Regarding the live situation, - whenever I approach any promoter here, they say in unison "But Tarot are not known here." A-ha. And why are they not known? (which I actually doubt, at least since Marco's with NW) Because they're never invited to present themselves live! :mad:
Yep that unfortunately is the case in pretty much every country other than Finland. They have hardly ever played outside Finland (like only a couple of gigs in Sweden and Russia ages ago if I recall correctly).

sarawi said:
Aki, we saw a blond guy wearing a Tarot T-shirt in the press pit of the PP (while Savage Circus and Epica were playing) - was that you?
Sounds like you're talking about Curufin here - a dedicated Tarot fan who actually made it here to visit me from California last Christmas and we went to see a Tarot gig then :)

sarawi said:
Thank you for all the details and links you cared to point out to me! I copied them to my HDD (and I'm damn ready to use them!!).

In fact, we do seriously think about going to Finland to see Tarot live, but I'm not sure if we can make it this year (although we'll try). Of course, we consider the fact that NW will be on again next year, still I was thinking that this won't be before summer (as the CD won't be ready before 6 or 7 months from September, as I've read on their homepage). We had intended to come to Jyväskylä last weekend when Tarot opened for WASP, having all our plans ready concerning flights, trains, hotels & tickets. We had thought Tarot and Brother Firetribe in one showcase would be a once-in-a-lifetime event. Unfortunately, as we had an extended rock festival summer and, in addition to that, just returned from Atlanta, we lacked that "little extra cash" you mentioned ;) .
No prob, hope you can make it over here. If it's Jyväskylä, the venue where they'll play is less than 15min walk from my place and I'll have sleeping room for 2 people at least. Last weekend here Tarot was supposed to have 45 or 60 mins but there was an extra band added to the schedule really late (totally unknown Estonian band called "House of Games) who must have paid money to get on the tour and they played between Tarot and WASP. The Tarot set had to be cut short because WASP had taken forever with the soundcheck and the schedule was running late, those bastards had actually cut it short during the concert and basically had just told Tarot something like "you have 3 more mins time to play". I missed this concert because of the ridiculous ticket price even if it was only 1.5km from my place. Don't worry about having to witness a short set if Tarot is doing a headlining show!

sarawi said:
By the way, we live in Cologne (the Germanwings capitol :) !). And if ever you might want to come over here for any rock concert, just let us know! (Belgium and the Netherlands are also not too far away from here.) Or maybe you wanna go to the "Rock Hard" Festival or the "Bang Your Head" in Balingen? If nothing serious happens, we will damn sure be there, too!
Cologne.. nice! That's very cool thanks, currently I don't see it happening any time soon (me making it over there) since the US trip already sucked quite a bit of money from my tiny student budget heh.
pollution said:
Yep that unfortunately is the case in pretty much every country other than Finland. They have hardly ever played outside Finland (like only a couple of gigs in Sweden and Russia ages ago if I recall correctly).

Have you seen the PP8 wishlist total? Tarot being at No. 7, - and still I doubt that this will do… :mad:

pollution said:
Last weekend here Tarot was supposed to have 45 or 60 mins but there was an extra band added to the schedule really late (totally unknown Estonian band called "House of Games) who must have paid money to get on the tour and they played between Tarot and WASP.

I couldn’t help the ominous feeling some shit was bound to happen … it was part of our decision not to spend our money on this one.

pollution said:
The Tarot set had to be cut short because WASP had taken forever with the soundcheck

Soundcheck? What for? They used to be a treat when they started, but now … I suppose playing a tape shouldn’t be as difficult to manage. :rolleyes:

pollution said:
Don't worry about having to witness a short set if Tarot is doing a headlining show!

Never would! It’s just not always easy to tell the headlining shows from the others – the wings-of-darkness won’t always make it clear, we need to somehow get the tickets, and there’s too much Finnish homepages I can’t deal with because of the language.
Really need to work on this…

pollution said:
Cologne.. nice! That's very cool thanks, currently I don't see it happening any time soon (me making it over there) since the US trip already sucked quite a bit of money from my tiny student budget heh.

Very nicely put! Fits our financial situation, too, although us oldies can hardly even remember our student era… Hope it won’t bring you down to learn that even when you will be finished, it won’t get any better if you keep spending your money on the music like we do.
I must also warn you that there is hardly any metal scene in Cologne. But as far as live gigs are concerned, we are getting nice chances in the area (except for Tarot gigs).

So if you get the chance, remember us!
For example, to see Evergrey in Weert on Nov, 3rd would cost you 20,00 Euros (Ryanair to Hahn on Nov. 2nd, Ryanair to Tampere on Sat Nov 4th) plus 16,00 Euros Concert Ticket, that’s 36,00 Euros total (65,23 Euro, if you decide to stay until Sun Nov 5th). We’d pick you up at Hahn, you could stay with us (there’s always room for 2 people at our place) and we’d go to the gig together. We’ll also go see Evergrey in Bochum on Nov. 12th (it’s 13,00 Euros). Well, – not that you hadn’t just seen them… It was just an example.

What else bands are your favourites? Hmm, are we allowed to discuss all this in an open forum, boring other people? Maybe I you would rather want my email-address? Let me know.

Cheerz :rock: :rock: :rock:
sarawi said:
Have you seen the PP8 wishlist total? Tarot being at No. 7, - and still I doubt that this will do… :mad:

So if you get the chance, remember us!
For example, to see Evergrey in Weert on Nov, 3rd would cost you 20,00 Euros (Ryanair to Hahn on Nov. 2nd, Ryanair to Tampere on Sat Nov 4th) plus 16,00 Euros Concert Ticket, that’s 36,00 Euros total (65,23 Euro, if you decide to stay until Sun Nov 5th). We’d pick you up at Hahn, you could stay with us (there’s always room for 2 people at our place) and we’d go to the gig together. We’ll also go see Evergrey in Bochum on Nov. 12th (it’s 13,00 Euros). Well, – not that you hadn’t just seen them… It was just an example.

What else bands are your favourites? Hmm, are we allowed to discuss all this in an open forum, boring other people? Maybe I you would rather want my email-address? Let me know.

Cheerz :rock: :rock: :rock:
I'm not bored. :cool:
Seriously, I think it's good to have discussion like this where everyone can read them because it may give them good advice/ideas too.

I was very glad to see so many people on this forum putting Tarot on their wish list. :grin: I think this is a good sign that there is hope they'll come over in some way, even if PP8 doesn't pan out.
AMBR said:
I'm not bored. :cool:
Seriously, I think it's good to have discussion like this where everyone can read them because it may give them good advice/ideas too.

maybe we should install a concert travel network -fans hosting fans-! :rock:
But yes, it's much easier (cheaper, too) to go to foreign concerts if an insider tells you where to stay or gets the tickets for you. Because the bands who don't get around too much ususally do gigs at locations you can't book the tickets online for. And I don't know if I'd risk to spend money on a flight and hotel without even knowing if I will be let in to the show that I came for...

AMBR said:
I was very glad to see so many people on this forum putting Tarot on their wish list. :grin: I think this is a good sign that there is hope they'll come over in some way, even if PP8 doesn't pan out.

Me, I felt good about it, too! :)
Unfortunately I have made the experience that for "unknown" bands, it will not work out unless their music accidentally hits some promoter straight into the heart (or between the eyes, maybe ;) ) so that he personally wants them (and therefore takes the risk to lose some money).

I think, the Sweden Rock Festival is the biggest to go for hard-to-be-found "old" stuff. But before I go there, I think I better fly to Finland and see Tarot in a Tarot-only gig! Yet, Sweden Rock would be great for promotion, of course.

BTW, do you guys know the Dutch "Delain" project that Marco joined in for some voice recordings? I'm just listening to the CD while writing this. No Tarot-music, of course (rather soft stuff, actually, it's initiated by a guy who's formerly been in Within Temptation), but - hey! - it's Marco singing!!! :rock: :rock: :rock:
sarawi said:
It’s just not always easy to tell the headlining shows from the others – the wings-of-darkness won’t always make it clear, we need to somehow get the tickets, and there’s too much Finnish homepages I can’t deal with because of the language. Really need to work on this.
Yep that's true, oh well at least you can always ask me if you problems figuring stuff out or need someone to get tickets.

sarawi said:
So if you get the chance, remember us!
For example, to see Evergrey in Weert on Nov, 3rd would cost you 20,00 Euros (Ryanair to Hahn on Nov. 2nd, Ryanair to Tampere on Sat Nov 4th) plus 16,00 Euros Concert Ticket, that’s 36,00 Euros total (65,23 Euro, if you decide to stay until Sun Nov 5th). We’d pick you up at Hahn, you could stay with us (there’s always room for 2 people at our place) and we’d go to the gig together. We’ll also go see Evergrey in Bochum on Nov. 12th (it’s 13,00 Euros). Well, – not that you hadn’t just seen them… It was just an example.
Wow, that'd be too nice of you - I will most definitely keep this in my mind for the future. I've been thinking of making it over to Frankfurt for a few gigs but in the end it never happened. Quite a few bands play there (at Colos-Saal Aschaffenburg actually) who never really make it to Finland. You're right, as much as I love Evergrey I just saw them and won't feel too horrible for skipping them on this upcoming Euro tour (I would go see them if they played Finland though).

sarawi said:
I think, the Sweden Rock Festival is the biggest to go for hard-to-be-found "old" stuff. But before I go there, I think I better fly to Finland and see Tarot in a Tarot-only gig! Yet, Sweden Rock would be great for promotion, of course.
Yep SRF always has a lot of old school stuff there. Who knows if the new Tarot CD will finally help them get outside Finland too! I do agree you should just come to Finland for a headlining Tarot gig or two though :)

sarawi said:
BTW, do you guys know the Dutch "Delain" project that Marco joined in for some voice recordings? I'm just listening to the CD while writing this. No Tarot-music, of course (rather soft stuff, actually, it's initiated by a guy who's formerly been in Within Temptation), but - hey! - it's Marco singing!!! :rock: :rock: :rock:
I've heard the stuff they have up at their MySpace at - sounded pretty decent to my ears. About my favorite bands and all other non-Tarot related stuff: please see my UM profile and from there you can either private message, e-mail or choose to add me on your favorite instant messenger (if you use any). You could also pop up and say hi at the PPUsa chatroom where I tend to spend quite a few hours daily.
pollution said:
at least you can always ask me if you problems figuring stuff out or need someone to get tickets.

That's great, we'll do that!:heh:

pollution said:
I will most definitely keep this in my mind for the future. I've been thinking of making it over to Frankfurt for a few gigs but in the end it never happened.

It's a serious offer, - we mean it, man! Metalmaniacs must stick together. :rock: I'd always try to help any fan to come to Germany for any concerts they cannot have in their home countries. 'cause I'm happy if someone helps me, too!

pollution said:
Quite a few bands play there (at Colos-Saal Aschaffenburg actually) who never really make it to Finland.

Never been to Aschaffenburg, but we're likely to go on Dec 13th. It's 2 1/2 hours to go (by car) from us, and we need to be there, as Bob Catley (an old acquaintance for more than 20 years) isn't coming any nearer to our place to do his acoustic shows.

October, too, will be a softer month this time! Today, my hubby's going to see Hardcore Superstar here in Cologne, while I was thinking about going to Lordi, but they are sold out. I have already seen them on a big stage in Hamburg (opening for Nightwish some time ago) and liked it a lot. Funny thing was, they had quite a big stage production (being an opening act!) and when it was removed later and Nightwish were playing, the stage was almost empty! You should expect it the other way round - the main act having the bigger production. Of course, Nightwish are fabulous in themselves, I don't need them to bring anything more than the band.
Yet I'd have liked to go see Lordi again, also because of the opening act: The Dogma from Italy. Really wanted to see them once, but knew too late that they are playing...

On Sat. we're going to Ludwigsburg for the United Forces of Rock-Festival (Fair Warning, House of Lords, Danny Vaughn, Kip Winger, Gary Barden, Bloodbound, Pretty Maids, Mad Max & Lovechild), and the weekend after to Geleen (Netherlands) for the Eternal Rockfest with a.o. Y&T, Vengeance & Freedom Call. We'll join some friends there, and it will be a gorgeous party!

Like the Bang-Your-Head-Festival in summer, - we go there every year, and for 2007 the first bands confirmed are Edguy (Headliner), Brainstorm and Mercenary - come hell or high water, we'll be there.

My hubby and his buddies have been to the Sweden Rock Festival as well for some years. This year for the first time they didn't go, because the Arrow Rock Festival was so much closer with mainly an equal band billing.

OK, I'll stop here because this thread is called "New Tarot album cover art+tracklist" (which unfortunately means that there will be nothing more to say until it's Oct. 25th and we all finally get the CD).

Me, too, I am hoping that "Crows Fly Black" will be the definite wake up call for the sleeping masses all over Europe and the U.S. !!! :hypno: :hypno: :hypno:
But I can't stop wondering how it happened that people overheard all the great stuff Tarot did in all these years before. :mad: :mad: :mad:

So I guess I must be happy with little things...
I really loved it, how the "Tarot" headline always appeared on top of the list of threads, every time after one of us posted! :rock: :rock: :rock:
Only one more day left to go !!! :rock:

P.S.: Hey Aki, what happened to your mailbox?
"user is over quota"

Been talking too much lately?? :lol:
FANTASTIC RECORD!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I REALLY hope they play ProgPower! THe closest band you can compare Tarot to is Mercenary and that is still not that close.
The new album sounds great. I have listened to it a couple of times over the last few days. It sounds a bit heavier to me than their last release.
sarawi said:
Only one more day left to go !!! :rock:

P.S.: Hey Aki, what happened to your mailbox?
"user is over quota"

Been talking too much lately?? :lol:
Heh, it must have been a mail server error or something, doesn't make any sense otherwise. :erk:

Yep indeed, only one day left until the Finnish Tarot release! A reminder to those of you who want the Finnish import, you can order it from here (or send me a PM and we'll figure something out): Link to my local store carrying the CD

The price there is 17.90 euros + 2.5 euros for shipping (when paid with PayPal) so about $25-26 (USD) total which is it's not exactly cheap, but I know quite a few of you are huge fans so you might want it as fast as possible nevertheless :)
If "Suffer Our Pleasure" wasn't enough, the new album "Crows Fly Black" proves to the faithless what a helluva band Tarot really are! :notworthy

I have listened to the new album over ten times during the last few days, and all I can say is that Tarot have exceeded themselves - again.

"Crows Fly Black" is definitely the darkest CD they ever released until this day. (I'd even use the word "gloomiest" - if it didn't bring up the wrong imaginary for being something related to gothic.) Except the couple of more straight-forward heavy metal tracks, the album may also easily be considered Tarot's most progressive yet.

There are so many levels in some of the songs that I can tell you thet it'll take more than one or two spins through the tracks to get "in", but as usual with good proggish CDs it pays to spend a few hours just concentrating on these fine works of art. Find out the choruses and backing harmonies, the genuine Hammond sounds, Zac's crafted guitar work with riffs and solos and Marco's distinctive bass lines. Not to speak about the vocals. How much variation you can get from a voice like Marco? The man posesses the most versatile pipes in the business for sure. And after nominating Tommi Salmela as the fifth member of Tarot, the band now have two of the top five metal vocalists found in Finland enlisted.

As a whole the album is plain awesome. Tarot is like old wine, they mature and get better and better by the years.
Can you guys recommend some older cds of Tarot's I should be checking out next since I am enjoying the new one?
pollution said:
You really need to get Suffer Our Pleasures and For The Glory Of Nothing which are the two CDs before Crows Fly Black. I suggest ordering them from Laser's Edge for $11 and $14.
Ok what makes you like these 2?
VenomGA said:
Ok what makes you like these 2?
Those two would end up very high if I ever had to list some of my fave Finnish metal albums. Here are links to reviews of both of them which I pretty much agree with: Suffer Our Pleasures and For The Glory Of Nothing (the latter is a google cache entry because for some reason doesn't work at least for me right now).

booB said:
Is this released yet?
Will be out tomorrow in Finland, sometime in the future elsewhere.
Given you are from Finland, I trust your judgment and will check out those 2 cds. thank you so much Aki