My latest work. Oh Sleeper meets As Cities Burn meets Underoath meets a generic band

hey man, r the drums programmed? there is something eird going on with th cymbals in some parts.....sounds like a extremely long sample, can barely hear the actual hits on the cymbal if that makes sense, apart from thath its a solid mix man well done

pod? slate?
hey man, r the drums programmed? there is something eird going on with th cymbals in some parts.....sounds like a extremely long sample, can barely hear the actual hits on the cymbal if that makes sense, apart from thath its a solid mix man well done

pod? slate?

drums are real with slate samples. The deal with cymbals is probably because i tried using a limiter on the overheads instead of compressor(as suggested by Joeyismusic). I guess i should rework it a bit or just go back to a compressor
yeh im not really experienced enough to say whats causing it, but they definitely sounds a bit funky, one cymbal in particular
It´s fuckin´great work, dude. Like it a lot. The vocs are matter of taste, but the overall sound is TITS! The clean vocals at 1:41 are very good..also the chord harmonys at sequenz. Congrats!
Loving the guitars personally!

Did you create a new patch and do anything post processing different?

yes, i think guitars sound a bit different. new patch? different post-processing?

nope! same old patch and no post processing besides andy sneaps c4 and a high/low pass.

I knocked the gain way down and might have even turned the screamer off on that underoath sounding part with the dynamic snare rolls.

Other than that, nothing special. Just the sound of the band makes it sound different.

brian leme re-amp the guitars on that

This was the band i was going to get you to reamp on, but they ended up being heavier than i thought they would be, and they love the guitar tone from the pod=/

I have a band that sounds exactly like blink 182 recording with me next week. think you could muster up a very not metal guitar tone for that? haha
Hey brian whatttsss up braaa its andrew from AAS! by the way fuckin rad mix im so digging ur mixes ur nipping a joeys boots hahah lol anyways the end breakdown before the fade out is soo calling for a sans amp distortiony compressed vocal sound u no what i mean .. anyways just thought but we got the tracks done , we have to talk cant really say much on here but i added u to aim so well go from there . cheers bro by the way im actually digging the limiter on the OH appose to a comp i use a comp but if they came down overall in the mix it would make it beautiful ... keep it up bro new AAS ! record with ( cough cough brian ) haha
Hey brian whatttsss up braaa its andrew from AAS! by the way fuckin rad mix im so digging ur mixes ur nipping a joeys boots hahah lol anyways the end breakdown before the fade out is soo calling for a sans amp distortiony compressed vocal sound u no what i mean .. anyways just thought but we got the tracks done , we have to talk cant really say much on here but i added u to aim so well go from there . cheers bro by the way im actually digging the limiter on the OH appose to a comp i use a comp but if they came down overall in the mix it would make it beautiful ... keep it up bro new AAS ! record with ( cough cough brian ) haha

sorry, but what band is AAS? I know several Andrews, and no band comes to mind with the initials AAS....

any other opinions on the mix?
Dude. this sucks. Trash it. give up and let me have your studio.

i mean. all of your stuff is terrible. i have never liked any of it.

you just suck.

ok you know im kidding. i love you brian =) :ill::zombie::lol::cool::worship:rock::puke::OMG::heh::saint::kickass::Smokin:
Yeah sounds tight dude.

Can you talk about the limiter on the overheads? what you did there

And yeah I'm digging the guitar sounds very Boys Night Out -Trainwreck to me

What patch did you use? care to share?