My light is lost


Dec 10, 2001
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I don`t know why I write this but I`m so sad. I had one hope in my life and that was a girl from Schweiz that I met this summer, I think I really loved here but today she basically said she couldn`t deal with this long distance relationship and It totally broke me...Ì just sit and stare at the wall and everything falls apart. I hate my town, the people, everything, I just want to get away. And now I can`t even go to her... Anyway, sorry for this I just had to tell someone...

Under the open sky
When the waves where roaring in symphony with the storm
There where no demons by my side
Only you
hey man, i feel really sorry for you... i'm not sure if i can comfort you in any way, though i understand you...
i haven't ever been in that kind of situaton myself, so i can't tell...but sometimes it can be worse that the girl you like is in the same town and she won't see you...

summer relationships can be really really wonderful, just because they are the 'short ones'.....but you obviously find 'the one'(if i got you correctly from your fragmented, broken words)......
i don't want to discourage you, but she is right. long distance relationships are very hard to take - you can write letters, but that's not IT......and it's better to break up now, when you two aren't involved that much....the more time goes, the harder it gets...
you WILL get over it, however hopeless you might feel right now.
try some music in the background, it will help. i know it did help me when i was in shit... try saturnus - for the loveless lonely nights(especially thou art free and for your demons), it might help.

hang on. katatoniks are with you:)
I won't say something like "you'll get over it" now,because i know this doesn't help(even if you will)
Try to do something in where you see some sense,something that is worth something to you. I know,it seems impossible...

Let me tell you that music has been the best companion for me in my hardest time. There is one CD which i think fits this whole lovetopic very well and that's Songs:Ohia's "axxess and ace".
Lyrically it makes you think of a lot concerning (lost) love and makes you think of both sides.

Thanks alot falling bird and Discouraged1. I know she is right and with time everything will be alright I hope.. I will listen to the music you recommended and just spend some time thinking and writing... I`m actually a real positive guy most of the time, so I`m not used to these feelings... Once again thanks,

I will listen to some nice tunes from Katatonia too :)
hey falling bird, im really into songs:eek:hia right now. i remember you mentioning it on these boards i guess. great band indeed.

blossom blue - i dont want to sound like a heartless and harsh person, but you WILL get over it. and the best way for that is to go to places, parties, etc where there are MORE girls. she is not the only one in the world. there are MANY great females in the world, and they all deserve a chance, dont they? come on, cheer up. ive been through such times a lot and i know -and i think you do too- the best remedy for heart-ache: another girl!
Originally posted by Don Corleone
hey falling bird, im really into songs:eek:hia right now. i remember you mentioning it on these boards i guess. great band indeed.

I'm glad to hear that because that was the way that i got into that great band too;)

BTW, have you already bought any album??
Or downloaded any songs??
Let me know:)
I lost a girl but I found an amazing band, Songs:eek:hia is just great and I bought "Didn`t it rain" today( I was searching for Axxess ace but I couldn`t find it) so I`M feeling a bit better, thanks you Don I will try to force myself to some party this weekend...
DIscouraged one: Saturnus was good to, maybe I buy a record sometime in the future..

Thanks all...
Yes, one more songs:eek:hia fan, great;)

Axxess and ace is a bit hard to find,like "the lioness" but "ghost tropic" for example should be available somewhere around you:)

BTW isn't it funny,that the ":" before ohia is the embarrassment smile,strange :lol:
Originally posted by Blossom_blue

DIscouraged one: Saturnus was good to, maybe I buy a record sometime in the future..

If you're interested in Saturnus, I know the perfect purchase for you! Their aptly titled mini album, 'For the Loveless Lonely Nights'.

An amazing piece of the work for the broken hearted.
I have to go through this several times...Music is a part of the key, expression is the other one. You had to express your pain, no matter how, by speaking or through art.
I personnaly composed a lot of songs during these periods, and wrote a lot of lyrics to make the unrest to disappear, created images...
Very hard and long, it actually never totally leaves but now I can live with it, I sometimes listen to these songs I had composed, or read the lyrics, I consider this heart-breaking period with more intelligence, and less should try to compose if you play some instrument...or try to write some words about it, even if you think it's will make you feel better.
I resent no shame to show my pain...
I actually write poems(mainly in Swedish) and I`ve written some the past couple of days....I guess it helps and I know that everything will turn out good in the long run but right now it`s a pain.... But as I said my writing helps me alot, It`s my therapy...
and ofcourse U guys and girls here.(I don`t know you, but I would like to) As said before, thanks.

and Requiem, I`m not really in to that downloading song stuff(only if I plan to buy it) and I can`t find Saturnus in my local stores...
I had the same experience as you. with a girl from austria. she left me dead. With the pass of time I forget her. but sometimes I remember her. and so there are tears.....
Originally posted by Blossom_blue
and Requiem, I`m not really in to that downloading song stuff(only if I plan to buy it) and I can`t find Saturnus in my local stores...

Me neither! I ordered it through my local music store. Better still, buy it online and you'll get it a lot earlier.

They have samples on their official site

Of course, that's if you're interested. Just thought it would help!
Of course, by that I mean check out the track from 'For the Loveless Lonely Nights'.... It'll knock you on your arse...
hey tell us about the party next week, blossom blue. make sure you drink a lot smoke a lot of shit that is being passed around, stay away from chemicals and get to be with a lot of dirty chicks. now thats what i call a party! and of course keep your eyes open for a possible girlfriend.
Yeah, I`m intrested Requiem, I`ve listened to some samples and I probably buy the record in a while, but with the new lake of tears and In flames coming up(and getting into Songs Ohia) I have to wait a while, but thanks

Lol DOn Corleone :) I will be sure to do all that stuff(and probably regret it in the morning) I will surely keep my eyes open for some nice girl, but I think it`s to early for a new relationship...