My light is lost

cheer up, guys. as i said before, you're doing the opposite sex a great injustice when you say "im never going to fall in love again." there are sooooooo many wonderful people...i have faith in the XX chromosomes...after all (i say this many times and everywhere) women are the greatest thing God ever created.
Originally posted by Don Corleone
cheer up, guys. as i said before, you're doing the opposite sex a great injustice when you say "im never going to fall in love again." there are sooooooo many wonderful people...i have faith in the XX chromosomes...after all (i say this many times and everywhere) women are the greatest thing God ever created.

yes we are divine creatures:D
:) I have definately not given up hope! Girls is the best thing ever created( by whom i do not know) and I´m far to young to live like a celibat the rest of my life :) So beware all the girls in Sweden, I´m back(or soon anyway)
hey, i'm cheered up; the poem was written back in Jan '01, and that was a long time ago...

i have to say i became really a good friend with the girl i wrote this poem to(though i never showed it to her, i wanted it just for my self, for my own 'medication').
actually, with all the girls that broke my heart i became friends eventually(after i got over the 'deeper' feelings i once had for them) seems like i'm better as friend than boyfriend to all of them, and i don't know if that should en- or dis- courage me....:)
Sometimes a real friendship is better than love, at least you know that a real friendship will last forever, love doesn't.
Originally posted by ether
Sometimes a real friendship is better than love, at least you know that a real friendship will last forever, love doesn't.

You're right, but again, those quiet moments you share with your beloved ones seem like forever, you know... Small pieces of eternity, what i call them..... And i would die for that moment(" more time";) )...
Originally posted by discouraged1
You're right, but again, those quiet moments you share with your beloved ones seem like forever, you know... Small pieces of eternity, what i call them..... And i would die for that moment(" more time";) )...

Well I think I've never felt that way..maybe in my dreams..?
God I feel myself so pitiful sometimes AAARGHGHHH :yell:
great poems!! oh and I know how you feel... love hurts and stuff...
nothing lasts forever, unfortunately... wish it did though. I'm getting pretty sick of people just coming and going in my life, nobody stays around for a longer time, and the more I like them the more I know it will hurt when they leave me... cuz eventually they all do...
oh well I'm getting too pessimistic here... :) point is: shit happens all the time... you just gotta learn how to deal with it (I haven't yet, but still)... and move on... and keep believing that you'll find "the" person some day... hope is the last thing that dies! :)
it's good to believe in real love, i whish i was less cynical, but i 've learnt from life that ideals and reality are two different things...
yet i haven't lost my hope, to believe in something is good!
I just wanted to say that sometimes friendship is better, because in the moment I get a friend i feel that it must last forever, love is more uncertain, you never know if it will last, if it's only a momentary illusion or if it is real. i think I'm more sincere and honest with myself when I'm with friends, but that's because I haven't experience a real love yet i think.