My light is lost

Originally posted by Blossom_blue

I know that I will drift apart from my old friends when I finish school(this year left) We will probably study in different towns and for me I will work in the rest of Europe a year. But thinking of it makes me really sick :(

Don't worry about your friends, you won't lose the good ones. I know it because I spent a year studying abroad and we kept in touch via email almost everyday and when I came back they were always the same, our friendship was even stronger than before. Even if they weren't physically close to me, they helped me a lot with their words. Moreover I gained many new friends who now live all spread around Europe, but we keep in touch and we visit each other once in a while, that's also a very nice way to travel around Europe!
Nico: that girl seems to be a meanie, but I guess it`s just the way of the world, egoism dictates human relationships to quote In flames. It`s really sad I think...
I know, well now I think it's almost ridiculous...I'm alright again. This thing just left a weird 'taste'...I don't want to see them again.
I know that I will drift apart from my old friends when I finish school(this year left) We will probably study in different towns and for me I will work in the rest of Europe a year. But thinking of it makes me really sick
I agree with will stay in touch with the real friends. I also feared that I'd lose some of my friends that I gained in the town where I went to school, after moving back to my hometown some time ago...but I still visit them regularly. And now we don't even get on our nerves so much like we (sometimes) used to do :D
Thanks Ether and Nico, I hope it will go the same way for me :) I really love them you know :) Nico, Just keep away from them, especially from your friend( If he knew you where intrested in her) he doesn`t know the meaning of the word loyality....
I have known a friend since we were 6/7 years old....It's been like 12 years, and we were really close, but with time we changed and 'moved' away 1from the other somehow....
We are still ok, but we just don't see each other every day......

I got other really good friends with time, with whom I've been fine for 3-4 years by now... One of them is she, and it's really great when you have a friend like that, it helps you understand 'the other side of view'...

life is strange(in stereo):)
where was i? oh yes, women...what was i saying? yeah, they are great indeed!

joking aside, it's true people come and go...but i tend to believe only one stays forever, alias, your SOULMATE! oh, how romantic i turn out when i smoke this shit, right?

seriously, though, it has nothing to do with what im doing right now. :p im a sensitive guy so i believe in love and no im not gay, even though i might sound like one.

see you later when im a bit sober.
Even do your high Don(or because your high) you make alot of sense, I`m like you, the romantic type, but the worst thing ever is when you think you found your soulmate but it`s just a one way lane :( It´s tear you apart! But I will find the one that gives me the same love back and just don´t want me for a night, a week, or a month.... Anyone thats Swedish shoud read some poems from Stagnelius, he is just great....