My new favorite amp? Earforce

fair price for a kickass PTP handwired amp IMO.

Oh I totally agree. The only question for me right now is do I go AxeFX (versatility / swiss army knife for the studio) or Earforce 2 (Similar to what I have but more versatile)

I really need to weigh this out pretty heavily as I am starting to branch out into things other then metal and the AxeFX is really a versatile piece....... FUCK

(FYI, No i am not comparing this amp to the AxeFX as this amp is just crushing, but being in a studio environment the AxeFX really has very usable tones for a shit ton of different scenarios. On top of that I just bought a Jet City, so convincing the wife to let me spend $2500 on another head is gonna be rough
I wouldn't even think twice in that case.
I liked the AxeFX when I tried it...good enough for prepro and great for songwriting, still doesn't sound nearly as good as a real amp though (to me at least).

not sure about the "one", gonna ask them
It's an awesome price if you compare it to the Überschall, which is 2700€ over here, for example...
And it is def. the same league, quality and soundwise.

Atleast we have something thats cheaper here, I would go insane for your 5150 and mesa prices;)
Lasse Lamert what the name of the band and the music that plays the mix that you posted on first page ?
Listen the music on repeat about 2 hours.completely addicted.
^ it's his band "Rarefaction"

Damn, that one really sounds huge...I allready thought that the "Anvil" had great clean & metal tones, but this one is really awesome...
If I need a new amp and can afford it (the ~2k really seem to be worth it) I'll definitly think about this ones. fucking sick of the 6505+ clean channel lol
Never ever heard of Earforce Amps though I must confess....fucking underrated imo as it seems. at least around here.

So the Lasse signature will just have cosmetic changes, and no tonal ones at all? Did I get that correct?

oh and one last thing:
The Anvil?

a small german builder who designed a tube preamp for me, sent me some prototypes, tweaked circuits to my liking etc, ended up being a DIY preamp that you can buy, really cool little thing.
I sold all my poweramps, so I'm not using preamps that often anymore.

And I gotta say nothing has blown me away recently like the EF did, I am really trying hard to think about changes but I can't come up with many, it just sounds so fucking awesome already.

There'll be some tiny changes to this model, but nothing that'll make it sound like an entirely different amp, mainly stuff to optimize it for the live and studio use for my demands.

So far this company isn't as big as for example Diezel, but what I can tell you is that I planned on buying a VH4 in september....I cancelled that order.
This amp's gonna be used on MANY prductions I do and I'm absolutely certain that this company will blow up from the small boutique custom shop that it's now to a big boutique custom shop with international distribution and LOTS of big name clients.

about my band:
thanks for the compliment...this was mere a quick test recording of one of the songs, we'll be recording the full album over the next ouple of weeks...with this amp all over it ;)
We're talking to some labels already and touring for 2011 is planned, I'm definitely gonna post an update about that once the album is finished
my leadguitarplayer thinks about building the anvil right now.

Did you use a TS on this clips lasse? sounds like only on the KSE one...

looking forward to your bands stuff :D
a small german builder who designed a tube preamp for me, sent me some prototypes, tweaked circuits to my liking etc, ended up being a DIY preamp that you can buy, really cool little thing.
I sold all my poweramps, so I'm not using preamps that often anymore.

Ahh, thanks for the info
The dirty sounds fantastic, but the clean rythm impressed me more! Never heard a clean sound like that through v30's. Playing helps alot too, good stuff man.
I don't personally like it. I think it sounds too fizzy, and it has this annoying overly-compressed sound that sounds as if you are playing everything on the neck pickup (I think it has something to do with the harmonic content). It sounds alright, but definitely not as great as everyone is making it out to be.