My second favorite CD for 2001 is out!!

Originally posted by Tribal
Saviour Machine- Legend part 3
In my opinion the best Gothic metal cd ever!!!
I'm pissing myself as I write this! Thank God for rubber sheets!

I really liked (still like) the first Saviour Machine but I sort of lost interest when the second one came out. Now I'm just confused.. it seems like they keep releasing one called Legend! (Unless they been working on it for yeeeears and it's just finally out??) Or are they actually having cds come out with the same name?? :confused: Like Legend Part 1 is a cd and Legend Part 2 a cd, ..and now Part 3?? What kind of impression are they trying to give with that - cause I sure don't understand. Just seems anti-creative and that they all sound the same. Who would want the same name for 3 records??????
Tool and nu-metal dont mix, it makes me sick. most nu-metal kids havent even heard of Tool or if they have dont like em as they r good.

wow, Tool are great live, i was right at the front up against the gate thingy and right next to adam Jones, and even though i was that close i only saw his face like 3 or 4 times as he was looking at the floor all the way through the concert, maynard and the others were shy too, Maynard with his back to the crowd most the time.

im sure Useful Idiot will have something to say on this subject.