My Studio


Apr 20, 2006
Hey guys, I decided to start a thread about my studio that has been completed recently - this is where the bulk of my time went betweeen last march and now... here is the photo of the control room, which is pretty much finished

and the live room which is still a work in progress...


I'll post more later - but this should give you a little background why some things are still not finished like the video. For all of you wondering - the tab book is done but I had some formatting problems with the printer and have to reformat pretty much everything - which means moving things measure by measure. My time went into the studio and recording instead...
Again, thanks to everyone who has shown their support here un UM so far, lets hope this forum will be usefull when we're on tour!
WTF is going on here? Band members being so friendly with us, that cant be possible. :p
WTF is going on here? Band members being so friendly with us, that cant be possible. :p

hehe I've always liked bands where the members took the time to talk to their fans on their official board... Skyfire does that, Nevermore does it too, even Testament, but it's pretty rare now.