My Studio

Very nice-looking! Someone also asked about an [official] MySpace page. Any plans on that? Since you make time to respond here, maybe you (or another QV member) could run that page. The 2 pages on there now are fine, but we know that they are run by fans. Oh, and keep us posted on what bands record in your studio!
Hi there :) Thanks for the really kind words!
Well, we tried getting some of the guys to come here and post, but you know, they're not that good with keyboards, hehe:D

Bart & I enjoy the forum a lot (what's not to love?), but early on I made a couple booboos when people sent me messages and I forgot to log in for a month or so...It sucked for those who had time-dependent things to tell me. Best way to reach us is through the band emails.

But yeah, a big welcome to you and cheers to everyone else!

whoa nice job! well lets see what other word is there that hasnt been used again..uhh..kickass? naah. ok..nvm then. its kickass! when does the first work in the studio start, any rough idea?

i love the "atmosphere" here..i hope it stays so no matter how big this forum community grows.

u see band members normally do not have time to even log on to the internet..atleast thats what i think, and it makes sense. We'r lucky Quo Vadis' members are unique and they, currently Bart and Roxanne, are able to spare abit of their time building a community and interacting with their fans.

Bart are those pics taken by u? nice locations..and the snow makes em look evn bttr. here where i live theres no seasonal change! Monotonous weather i tell ye, less the intense heat sometimes. But mayb u guys would like tropical places..

yeah probably :Saint:
Hey... I've been locking myself in here for months now, improving acoustics working on some music... we recently took photos for someone interested in doing recording so I thought I'd post them here as well...







Salut Bart !
[Cool le forum.. It seems only english but doesn't matter] :)

Where is your studio at ?
I mean, there's snow and even here (Côte-Nord) we had snow just before Xmas. ;P

The first thing I noticed about your studio is the yellow monitors, I was wondering what they are... That is funny cause I was talking homestudio gears with my uncle (whom introduced me to Quo Vadis 4-5 years ago with Day into Night :)) and he was getting 2 monitors similar to that (For Xmas And I saw them on the website, pretty expensive but it's top quality, but I can't remember what they are.

Other thing about your studio, I have 2-3 questions like...
Are you using ProTool ? (This is too much expensive for me until yearsss)
I'm sure that you use CuBase of course! And,
you were talking about the drumagog... I could be a powerful tool for recording my brother (the little drummer who played in that cover at "secondaire en spectacle") I mean, recording a real drums in an headache and I have to use my GNX4(drummachien) and pass Midi drumfiles i compose ... But in another hand, it is not his drum's sounds !
So having all his sounds sampled would be great, with the good software. Am I going to resolve a part of my problem with that program ?

Sorry for the long post mon Bart ;P

À bientôt,

Hey Fred, sorry for the delay in the reply, drumagog is very good when it comes to managing dynamics. If you have a good sample library you can make the rolls and flams sound very natural - this is missing in many triggering and sampling apps.
The monitors are KRK Rokits. If you send me some files maybe I can give you an example of what things could sound like.
The studio looks like a cave with treasures which increase inspiration.
I like the colors, the environment and the space.
I can make a mistake, but I recognize the esthetic concern of the DVD defiant indoctrination.

It's really different to for example a Dimmu Borgir' or a Celtic Frost' studio, where the place is lacking and all the walls are filled of posters and photographs.
Roxanne and Julie are working on an acoustic piece for the May 12 show and here is what we recorded last night (3 hour session). As many people know I'm a big fan of cello and violin and have incorporated those in practically every album/dvd so we'll have something like tis for the show as well.

It's a part of a piece by Honegger that Roxanne picked, Julie on viola - the choir part will have to be done in another session...
Let me know what you guys think.

Nice! I like the first two part, you might be able to built something really interesting with it. But the third part i'm not so sure, it's sound more like a Children Song... probably some people would disagree but it's point of view.

One thing for sure, keep incorporate Strings into your song, i love when bands add classical instrument to Metal music like Sibenburgen, Vintersorg and Dimmu Borgir.

P.S.: Please guys you have to come in Ottawa sooooonn !!! :notworthy :waah: :notworthy
Roxanne and Julie are working on an acoustic piece for the May 12 show and here is what we recorded last night (3 hour session). As many people know I'm a big fan of cello and violin and have incorporated those in practically every album/dvd so we'll have something like tis for the show as well.

It's a part of a piece by Honegger that Roxanne picked, Julie on viola - the choir part will have to be done in another session...
Let me know what you guys think.


It has that At The Gates vibe towards the end ( I'm referring to the instrumental stuff by ATG on Terminal Spirit Disease)...
Hey Jorgen! Long time no speak - I gotta dig out my TSD album... been listening to hypocrisy a bit lately... Those were pretty much raw treacks yesterday... I just finished another session with Roxanne for vocals... and here is the stuff mixed all together, this time balanced and eq'd.

We're doing this piece on May 12th with some cool imagery - kind of like on the DVD but I don't want to spoil the surprise...

here is a link to the track:
Hey Jorgen! Long time no speak - I gotta dig out my TSD album... been listening to hypocrisy a bit lately... Those were pretty much raw treacks yesterday... I just finished another session with Roxanne for vocals... and here is the stuff mixed all together, this time balanced and eq'd.

We're doing this piece on May 12th with some cool imagery - kind of like on the DVD but I don't want to spoil the surprise...

here is a link to the track:

hey bart, it sounds great with the vocals!... is that piece going to make it on the new album?
I'm finding it hard to get excited about new metal releases lately, but I think the new Dream Theater will be good ( heard 1 song on Blabbermouth )... I also heard the new Iced Earth EP, it sounds amazing, even though its a totally new lineup...
Let me know when the live album gets released, I'll be getting a copy !
I wonder if Jarzombek is going to go with the Disney theme again ;)
The Honegger Piece is just for the May 12 show with some live choreography etc... For the album I'd write something more interesting... after we come back from Europe in August I'll lock myself in the studio and finish the record...

hey both links sound really good... the jarzombek piece sounds pretty cool, so does the iced earth... it seems it sounds more like barlow this time, is he back in the band?
hey both links sound really good... the jarzombek piece sounds pretty cool, so does the iced earth... it seems it sounds more like barlow this time, is he back in the band?
Nope, it's still Ripper on vox... I wonder how his stage presence is live though... he sounds great on record... they've re-done a few songs from the Barlow era with Ripper on vocals and they sound awesome... Barlow's supposedly joined some unknown band that sounds like Iced Earth...
what else are you into lately..?