My turn to make a Chuck Norris joke.

Stormrider1981 said:
Eve only had sex with Adam because she knew that way down the line, Chuck Norris would be the result.

No, it was because Chuck Norris wasn't available...he was busy chasing Lucifer back into the gates of Hades and slaying demons...but she was thinking of him the whole time.
...One of America's great action stars of film and television is not ashamed that he's returned to the faith of this youth. Early in his life, action star Chuck Norris was reared by a strong Christian woman -- but things changed quickly. "When I got into the film world, I got sucked into the secular aspect of the entertainment field and I really drifted away from my faith," says Norris. "It's amazing -- as successful as I was as an actor, and the money and the fame, there was still something missing." Norris married a Christian woman named Gena and, through her witness, rededicated his life to Jesus Christ eight years ago. The actor says the Holy Spirit has filled the emptiness he had and has given his life new meaning. He is now an advocate for getting the Bible back into the public school curriculum.

That will never happen. And no offense to anyone but, I find it sad that someone needs a religion to give their life meaning.