Naked pictures of ME!!!

Originally posted by Lord K

I have found myself another fucker who understands the greatness about Jackson guitars.


Lord K... those are some hillarious stickers you!


What does the sticker above it say? And the one that says "fuck"?

Ibenhads are for Nu-Metal drop-d one finger power chord players.... heh

Any "artist" you see that plays an Ibanez, is most likely paid a LOT of money to play them...

Any "artist" you see that plays a Jackson or BC Rich has to pay for them themselves, and does NOT get paid... well, unless you're Mustaine...

A decent beginner guitar I would guess... :flame:
Hush baby, don´t say it out that loud.

Xenophobe... Mustaine play(ed?) Jackson as far as I know, atleast Marty did. And still they suck. It´s not a guarrantee you´ll be any good though you have a Jackson, haha...

Oh and for the record... I think Slipknot don´t pay too much for their guitars, hahaha....

Jackson/Bc Rich = metal
Ibanez = Nu "metal" (though there´s nothing really metal bout it, that´s the term).

This is a good discussion, keep it up people.
Yeah, but Mustaine could rip. He's a whiney little bitch though.... heh

The only Megadeth I like are Killing and Peace... all the other crap is just that...

Never cared about Marty...
Nah, the Ibanez´s do that.
Hahahah, hail Satan and lighten up people, it´s the fucken internet.

I am so tired of having to explain everything all the time.