Name change lawl, and other stuff

Lies and Perfidy

Gentleman of the Road
Nov 27, 2002
Washington, Washing-Ton
If anyone's wondering, Lies and Perfidy = everyone's favorite Jewben. I don't even remember where the fuck the name "Pyrus" came from, but I like this phrase. So yeah.

And a situation update for those keeping score: I'm moving to Seattle (Bellevue specifically, at least for the first couple months) by the end of March. I might be back in the Bay Area this summer if a get-together happens, but otherwise, look for me throwing flaming bricks at Warrel's window and yelling PLAY BATTLE ANGELS!

Also, if you're either interested in the religious concepts covered by a lot of Nevermore songs or like to pretend to be to pick up chicks, there's a real cool article on the evolution of religious belief in this week's New York Times Magazine. Definitely worth a read.

That is all.
Ooooo.... If you're in Seattle, you, Kevin, I, and maybe paul should hook up for a drinking contest. Or you can come up to Canadia and stay with us for a couple days, hammered out of your mind.

(As much as it sucks to say, this city I live in, there is nothing to do BESIDES getting hammered.)
Alo Reuben!
I just thought I'd ask...doesn't Pyrus mean "apple?"

OH, my friends and I are planning a trip this summer to Seattle and British Columbia. Mayhaps we'll visit you guys :)
I wanted to change my username to Vera, but there already is someone Vera. It's not like this Vera person has any posts....
But I like your username.

Everyone's going to change their names and avatars and I won't know who anyone is anymore. :(
welcome to the dark side. And i like the drinking contest idea Tyler!
I don't like bellevue that much, the good part about it is that it is close to seattle and to canada!