Name some albums.

Nickelback album sounds SO fucking squashed to me, the drum decay is weird, there's no punch, the guitar tone is weird and oversaturated, the cymbals are practically nonexistant and I'm 99% sure the drums are entirely fucking programmed.

STD.. I know it gets a lot of love around here but the more I listen to it the less I like it. The drums sound fake and plasticky, the bass is scooped to FUCK and I can't make out wtf the guitars are playing, just a fizzy mess to my ears. Was listening to one song in the car tonight and it came to a solo guitar break and I honestly struggled to hear what notes the guitar was playing (was just picked single notes too, not something complex). :/ Agree on the rest tho

But regardless of whether the individual elements like the guitar tone sound like crap on those albums, or the drums sound apparently bad, the mixes as a whole sound HUGE, absolutely fucking massive.
Yeah, so the guitars on the Katatonia records I mentioned sound better when looking at it strictly from a guitar as a single mix element point, but STD just manages to dwarf those mixes for sheer size.

I'm surprised you didn't say anything about Brand New Eyes.
Personally I don't think the guitar tone is particularly amazing at all in the traditional sense when you hear them by themselves on the intros BBBB and Ignorance.
The mid range quality of the guitars are not super pleasant, but once they are slotted into the full mix, they just cut through the mix like a knife in butter and carve their own distinct sonic region.