
Hey guys and girls,
As I'm still a little bit new here, I just wondered how few Amon Amarth fans there is from Skandinavia on this forum...maybe I'm just blind...

But it is really cool to see so many American AA fans! It seems like that AA gets more popular in USA than in Skandinavia nowadays...

Keep up the metal
"We are here to crush"!
Hey, Im swedish!

I think you're right about that Amon is bigger outisde Sweden. One reason is that they almost never play here in their homecountry. Seems like they spending all their time in Germany instead :(

The biggest deathmetal-band here I think is In Flames.

But things can change. With Oden on our side seems to be very popoular here in Sweden.
Sweden is so yesterday, man. What's up and coming is Bavaria, the place I'd like to live had I not been swedish. Must be the most beautiful place in the world (ok the rest of the Alps looks pretty much the same but).

What am I saying? Prussia is the shit. Bad weather, worse food, flat sand-earthed landscapes with boring forests that all look the same.

Seriously If I could change one thing about Sweden's landscape I'd put a huge fucking mountain chain seperating Skåneland from thos weird northerners.
Yeah, Pagan, why haven't you pulled a Quebec yet and fucked up the whole economy for the rest of the world and notseparated? ;-)
I moved to Canada, not from Sweden. I love both, but I can see the drawbacks of both, too. I'm just glad I don't live in Iraq or something.
I'm Swedish myself, living in Sweden at the moment, and have been for most of my life.

Most people that hear the name "Amon Amarth" over here looks at you as if you were from a strange planet.
Even people generally into metal don't know much about them.

When you play some AA for a "normal" person all they react (in a negative way) to is either that it's some form of death metal or the style of singing.

However, if you play AA to an open minded person they generally like it, especially when playing one of the latest three albums.

If I hear "all they do is scream" (in regards to Johan singing) one more time I think I'll scream instead...

And I can't really blame AA for not playing "at home" so often, even though I'm a bit tired after haveing been cancelled on three times in Seden now.
I watched them in Stockholm in the end of 2002, the place can hold perhaps 500-600 people and it wasn't even packed...

I do hope however theat they will continue to grow even in Sweden, so I get to see them play back home more often.

Who knows, in the future perhaps they will cancel some US dates because they had the opportunity to play Sweden?
There are many viking and folk metal bands here in Scandinavia, so the name Amon Amarth is only one name among many.
2 times they have cancelled visits to Denmark. They were here back in 2001, but at that time I did not know them, and they say themselves, that it was disappointing at that time...:-(
That's what I like about living in belgium, you're relatively close to everywhere. Most European tours have a gig in belgium anyway
I'm kind of disappointed about AA starting to become mainstream in the US. But as someone said, that's what it's like over here. At least they'll never completely fit into that hardcore type scene that CoB started to mold themselves into.

It sucks that New Jersey is such an underground hardcore scene, as most of the people I wind up trying to talk to about metal are only interested in windmill moshing like dumbasses at shows, where in lieu of solos there are just "breakdowns". Which I guess are cool in their own right, as I'm a fan of powerful rythm riffs that can stand alone from too much cheesy lead guitar. But hardcore just seems like poor man's metal to me. So uninspired and recycled.
i am not in the least disappointed about AA starting to catch fire here in the U.S., these guys are making great music and it needs to be more widely recognized... more cd's sold, more people at concerts, more merch sold; AA has been working their asses off for a long time and the credit is well deserved and long overdue. i hope they make bucketloads of $ and gain (more) success, i have no fears that it will affect their music in a negative way.

i know you didn't mean that you don't want AA to have success, but i don't think we're talking about the next metallica here...
I saw AA last year opening for Trivium & Children of Bodom. Trivium suck IMO, and it was clear that a good portion of the crowd was there to see AA (most were there to see COB though). Although AA had a short set the audience was really into them and they got a way better response than Trivium. I’m looking forward to seeing AA in December with a longer set.

A band like AA will never be mainstream in the US (or anywhere else I’d imagine). They might get big with the metal crowd, but that’s not mainstream. Mainstream is Britney Spears & Justin Timberlake. At best AA will get played a lot on Headbanger’s Ball and maybe be able to headline a US tour, but that’s it.