Tyra said:Yeah, I dunno what to call it - I just know that my ass is a whole lot warmer (not necessarily hotter, unfortunately) than it was ten years ago when we first moved here. Mind you, the archaeologist in me is fully aware of how many "hot spells" and "cold spells" this planet has been through in at least the last 40 000 or so years, and how huge the impact of each one of those has been in terms of propelling human cultural development one way or the other.
And I'm with you - I just want to move somewhere that's not so damn hot. Like the Yukon.
NovembersDirge said:I'm from the USA. I, too, would like to live in Sweden. It has less to do with metal and more to do with education, health care, and all those other things you pampered little brats get that I have to go in debt for.![]()
TheLastWithPaganBlood said:WE also give away more than half of our hard earned incomes for shit we (or at least I) don't use so a bunch of free-riders from all around the world can do nothing + work black. How's that for being a brat?
Ikki said:come on...nordic countries are really nice man..i would already have moved there if you spoke something that i could learn ( sorry, i bought myself a course of finnish, because i really like the language...but i cant,definitely cant, havent tried with swedish or norwegian, but my brain is not cooperating at all..).
You have nice countries, people seem polite, and you have great education system, equality( i guess) amonsgt men and women, respect for the environment...hell yeah, i would go, dont care about winter time..here is not much nicer( raining all the time), our wages are shit, unemployment is high and we pay lots on taxes as well,money that some others are using without care..
Trashhead said:Too bad the beer is fuckin expensive...
OdenOnMySide said:I heard I was from like Ireland and Scotland, but who knows... And also, yeah Sweden sounds much nicer then the US.
OdenOnMySide said:Speaking of Nationality - and this really doesn't have anything to do with AA, but I hope someone answers anyway - oh, and Hi. New to the forums - Anyway, does anyone know where I can figure out MY nationality? I heard I was from like Ireland and Scotland, but who knows... And also, yeah Sweden sounds much nicer then the US.
Tyra said:...and not so good. Mind you, it's better than Molson No-Longer-Canadian...
Tyra said:Yeah, well, I am Canadian, but I do live in North America, which means I am North American, just like any US citizen. I am not a citizen of the United States, and for some reason, in the English language, those are the only people currently referred to as "Americans". If you send a letter from Sweden, let's say, to "America" it most likely won't get to the US though, because as far as the rest of the world is concerned, America is a continent, not a country.
What the crux of the problem is, I think, is that there is no rule for how long a person has to be a citizen of a country, such as Canada, before the other citizens of that same country decide to call him or her Canadian. We've people here who are fifth generation Canadian citizens, but because they have a different skin colour, they are not called Canadian. This leaves people like you, Señor Cubaño, and myself, in limbo. The Swedes don't think I am Swedish, and the Canadians don't call me Canadian. I guess I am just an Earthling.
darkkiuban said:norteAmericanos or cubans borns centroAmericanos.did i fill you.?