
I know what you mean. I'm getting restless, but can't think of anywhere better to go. Most of the places that are "cooler" are way too expensive for me, or lack work. You probably don't want to come anywhere near here... seeing as I catch hell for merely not going to church on Sundays (fuck that, that's my "go out in the woods and fling pointy sticks at the animals" time), never mind actually professing a non-Christian religion. I like to argue with people, but beating my head on a brick wall loses it's amusement value in a hurry.

I've never left the country, no one else will let me in. Not even Canada! So I guess I'm stuck with trying to find somewhere in the US that doesn't make me want to burn it down. So I'll probably stick with my usual pattern of wandering about, spreading chaos and discontent.
Define bad.

It's really just Canada that won't let me in, I can't afford to go anywhere else, but I used to be able to drive there in a couple of hours. What can I say, governments frown on certain herbs with extreme prejudice.
I've never killed anyone, and rape and theft are antithetical to my beliefs, so, not really bad, no. Prone to doing things that governments disapprove of, that I am guilty of.

Seriously, I was attempting to take a short cut over the top of Lake Erie by cutting through Canada in the middle of a blizzard. Bored customs guy, a guy in a shitbox car with long ass hair, a scraggly beard, and wearing leathers... they pulled me in and went through my shit. Lost my collection of blades, smoking accessories, and a relatively minor amount of herb. I was moving, so I had pretty much everything I owned packed into that car. I got off fairly easy, all they did was deny me entry to Canada, and take the more questionable items. Still, it gives a good reason not to want to go to Canada, and lacking any real desire to go there anyway....
y don't you come to malta? no! seriously.... its mainly the same as in your state..... but at least you could fuck up some asses more easily...... but consider another place where to go because after few time.... the only thing you would be considering is suicide.... and trust me our vallies and cliffs are pretty inviting for people with such priorities.
Just come to spain, i guess we kind of have open gates nowadays...and being from USA is going to be a surprise, you could have a job teaching english at least...and well, blades, herb and other smoking accesories are quite cheap here so you could recompose your colection with your firsts wages...
Ah, but he's American - for a rapist or a murderer to be allowed into Sweden and Canada, he'd have to be Somali or Iraki or something. The "get-away-with-murder caluse" does not apply to the likes of him in either one of my two countries.
Not very, in winter anyway. I'm pretty much white as you can get, but I'm not Irish white (i.e., I tan fairly dark, not just burn to a crisp) I suppose you guys might call it something different, but being from Boston, that's Irish white to me :)
Hey! Party foul again. We have interesting things here, you know. Snow, and mosse, and Inuits and Coca Cola with real sugar in it. Oh, and prescription free T1's and a buttload of US seniors to buy them all.
Sorry - I think faster than I type. Good thing you speak type-o-ese. Anyways, yeah, I know, I was just kidding. The politics are different and maybe the genetic make-up of the population (most of our blacks originate from other parts of the world, like Jamaica and Trinidad, rather than Georgia and Mississippi), but I guess that's about it. Over where we are, on the west coast, there really are mainly moose and Indians - not aboriginal ones, but the Punjabi variety. Then again, we do have The Real Coke, which makes some of our US friends want to migrate north...
Hehe. I have honestly thought about Canada, but I'm, well, lazy. And even less shows come up that way, it seems. That's probably the biggest thing I miss about the East Coast, besides the ocean. Every tour came through the Boston area, pretty much. Out here, it's more like "I'd like to go see them... fuck, they aren't coming within 500 miles of here." I was damn glad AA actually had a stop near me, usually everything passes Kansas over, not that I blame them.