ND needs a haircut

NvmbrsDoom5 said:
Guys tend to be perpetually lazy especially about their appearance and grooming. Let's face it, if it weren't for things like job requirements or scoring with girls, most guys probably wouldn't bother to wipe their fucking asses half the time lol I just refuse to be one of those guys. Doesn't really have so much to do with being a band guy as much as I just care about my appearance.

uh huh. Sure seems like it Larry.:grin:

Cant wait to donate.. that's gonna make me feel like superman.
chupe666 said:

LOL! That's a great picture. It says it all! :grin:
Septembers Marc said:
appearance is all!!!! I've had long hair from age 17 till 32. I started to look like Neil from the Young Ones and decided to cut it. Also my son was constantly pulling my hair, haha!!!

At least you didn't look like Vyvyan. :yuk: Your son would either be pulling on one of the tufts of hair or one of the stars on your forehead.
Nag said:
I had to cut my hair today.. I am pretty bummed. FuckingJob.

I have issues working for anyone who won't accept you as is. I guess it's different if you're working retail, or with customers, to keep a more professional appearance, but to have to cut your hair for a job is pretty lame. I know, it's a pretty immature way to look at things, but I'm tired of the world today, more so in this country, where we are forced to be more PC, and can't say things anymore that might upset certain groups of people... ethnic, handicapped, the slow and the ignorant, but if you're a guy with long hair, it's open season.

I'll stop here before It gets ugly. haha

Sorry about the rant, and even sorrier you had to cut you hair for "the man."
You know damn well that I agree. Last night we went xmas shopping and a girl working in one shop came up and said "Jesus man your hair is really long....what made you decide to do that??" I'm sure she probably meant it nicely but it just amazes me how forward people think they can be about something like that. It's the 21st century, and teenage kids walking around with piercings on their face is acceptible and typical, dressing like a hoodlum is commonplace, yet a guy who wears his hair long is still a freakish thing and must have some great "explanation" for it. I just don't really see what the big deal is, I never have. Many people are turned off by the look of a guy with really long hair. Oh well, thats okay, so what? I'm turned off when I see women with really short cropped hair, I think it looks bad on 99% of them. That's just my preference. I don't walk up to them and say "What ever made you decide to cut your hair that short?!" haha
Even the notion of not having a longhaired male work in a customer relations position bothers me. Sure you're right, there are people who will be turned off by that. But the thing is, the more people allow that to happen, the more it'll continue. People think it's weird because they're not exposed to it more. Longhaired guys are STILL perceived as being hoodlums or homos or whatever other negative tag someone can place on you. It amazes me.

As for jobs, well yknow it kinda goes along with the idiocy of humans to think that once I cut my hair suddenly that makes me a better person. "Cut your hair and you can come work for me". That makes sense.

The difference between being a certain ethnicity, or handicapped, etc., is that those people didn't make the choice to be that way, they just are. Whereas we're choosing to be longhairs. I can understand that. But I just don't see why the length of someone's hair should have anything to do with the value of someone's character. Perhaps I just enjoy wearing it long, and feel that I look better with it like this? What in the hell is so immoral about that?
Well it is a Fitness club I am working at.. and Front desk.. so Appearance is everything.. Perception is reality. Might even be going abck into the Services depending on a few things.. so I understand.. I just wanted to grow it out once and donate it. =[ never had it that long ever.
Just remind the fitness club of Tony Little, and if they say it's to appear more cleanly in front of the customers, make sure you pick your nose, and scratch your sack in front of everyone you can while showing off your short hair cut. Hell, you could even piss your pants on a daily basis for a real show!

Larry, we're a dying breed... We've even been teased in a review of the new CD about having long hair. What's the world coming to when a metal band with long hair is the oddity?
In some sports, I could see long hair being a hindrance for a number of reasons. But in terms of it just being a matter of appearances, it's ridiculous. You can look like an east L.A. gangbanger and play sports, but don't let me see you with your hair long, boy!! People will start thinkin' yer a bit "funny", and that sure ain't good for the sport! *sigh*

Appearance is everything, perception is reality. But there comes a point where people's perceptions and prejudices need to be challenged, otherwise there's no progression or evolution. There's still plenty of racism and narrow minded judgementalism occuring in this country especially. In the information age of the internet and whatnot, there's no excuse for it. People presuming that a long haired man is either poor, unclean, a drug addict/dealer, etc., is no more accurate or logical anymore than people presuming that the black family that just moved down the street from you are going to "ruin the neighborhood." It's hard to fight the good fight for this when ultimately, money talks and keeps a roof over your head and you have to do what you have to do to keep a job and pay your bills. But I refuse to work anywhere that insists I cut my hair, unless it's for a perfectly logical reason. And I'm sorry but just trying to please the narrow minded uptight customers is not reason enough for me. If someone doesn't want to take that chance by hiring me, that's fine, it's their business they're worried about foremost and I understand. But that doesn't make me irresponsible or ridiculous either for staunchly believing in what I believe in. Someday I will probably chop it off, but it's going to be because I want to do it, not because some uptight asshole doesn't like longhairs. I could be a drunk, obnoxious, child beating piece of shit, but as long as I show up to work with short hair, I'm allllll good. No thanks.
I had thought that I'd need to cut my hair for the job I'm currently at, but not only did they not have a problem with it, they actually liked it. I'm an Interface Specialist for a medical billing office, had a job here for 5 years now, and they never had a problem or quarrel with it whatsoever. Some places (in PA at least) are finally becoming accepting of appearances, but some still have a long way to go. In North Carolina for example, my sister's friend and her fiancee walked into a mall and got stared at like they had fire spouting from their noses, all because they were just dressed darkly.
i have been growing my hair since i was 11 and it never goes beyond a certain point, go figure!

i know that 14 years as a mason has ruined my hair..it's all stringy and dry and shit!

i have thought of cutting mine, but i have just had it for so long now i would feel naked.

lets hope that non of us go bald lol
I just love the idea of a "grooming policy" lol

Steroids, substance abuse, racial statements to the press, having cork in your bat, etc., all things that have occurred with some regularity in the sport. But having long hair, well that's just outrageous behavior for a ballplayer LOL I love it.
Thats okay. I'm gonna covertly grow it again. They seem to let people grow it.. think it was just the district lady who was pissed I had the wierd phase hair.. [shrugs]