The bottom line is this....the length of your hair,whether very short or extremely long, makes little difference in what kind of person you are or what your "worth" to society should or shouldn't be. While it may be a sad truth that "appearance is everything" to many people, that doesn't mean that it should just be accepted and never change. People judging you as being a homosexual, a drug addict, or even just a lazy bum, is in truth no more appropriate or acceptable as any sort of racial stereotypes ought to be.
I've personally always gotten a laugh out of the homosexual connotations. I've seen, met and been friends with people who are gay, and most of them look "normal" (i.e. short hair, well dressed, etc.) Most of them say they prefer men with short hair and such. Look at the guys who're known to be homosexual in the metal scene (Halford, etc.) they don't wear their hair long.
If this were 1956, I could understand the connotation perhaps a bit more, but I really thought that by 2006, such a ridiculous stereotype would've fallen by the wayside a bit more. Shows what I know, heh.
Some people look better with longer hair, and in truth some people look better with shorter hair. Any girl who truly likes you should like you regardless. I have long hair but I'm not a slob, I take care of it and I dress decently. I think that's what really matters. I know plenty of guys with military haircuts who are slobs anyhow.
I think the great thing about metal actually is that nowadays you can look like whatever you want to, and it won't necessarily matter in terms of your being accepted. Back in 1985 it was not so easy to be accepted if you didn't have a certain look to you.