ND needs a haircut

I had really long hair (appr. 60 cm's) but I decided to cut it because I was actually sick of it. My kid was pulling it constantly and I found it not fitting for me anymore; just very personal. I started to grow my hair at age 17 and I (or rather my ex) cut it at age 33.
I don't have any regrets, I just didn't like it anyore. I didn't cut it for any reason but the hindrance with my little kid and maybe the fact that I had little pains in my shoulder and neck for moving a little unnatural; nothing serious though.
I know I am a day late and a dollar short on this one. Paul mentioned Tony Little. I would just like to say that Tony Little motivates me and soccer moms around the world every day! I doubt the Desperate Housewives of the USA care if he's got long hair or not. ;-)
I have grown my hair and cut it on multiple occassions in my life (Well, not to the length of Larry or Paul, but long enough to tie back).
This was mainly in high school and college where it was easy to let it go for a long period of time.
I do work for the man in corporate America. I think long hair would be ok if I had it already.
I have tried growing it out two separate times since starting to work in a corporate environment. It gets so out of control as it grows out that it takes so much time just to tame down. I have given up unfortunately. No more long hair for me.

So if you are ever at a gig in Chicago, look for me. I will probably be the only short hair guy in a ND t-shirt!
I somewhat recently (2 years ago) started growing my hair out, and I already love it. Unfortunately, my school had a "no hair (on men) below the collar" rule, so I have to pull it back and up (very bad looking). But it's the only way to keep my hair, so I put up with it...at least I don't have to cut it.

I WILL refuse to work for anyone (or date anyone, etc.) that makes me cut my hair. If you want me to change my appearance for you, then fuck off! I'm not changing. Accept me as I am or I leave.

There's actually a mens long hair board I sometimes go t. You can get advice, tips, ask/answer questions about your hair, etc. It's very informative, and it'e helped my hair a lot, so if you wanna check it out, it's here.
Woah, awesome!
Here's a place where I can finally bitch about long hair, and people who don't like it.
I recently got my hair cut, it was just past my shoulders and there were several reasons for this.

- To get chicks
Although this may not sound serious it is, because a lot of girls find long hair really unattractive and I'm hoping that I can "get some chicks" because of my haircut as a bonus.. Not a long-term relationship though.. because anyone who can't accept me for who I am I don't want to know about.
But girls have told me they liked it better when I had short hair so this could just be a bonus if I have any benefits with this haircut.
- To get a job
I've walked into a couple of local supermarkets and when I inquired about a job the middle aged women that I talked to I instantly felt that I had no chance just because they looked at me and thought I was insane for having long hair.
- People will stop annoying me
Because New Zealand's a fairly small country, and I see people who are into good music at my age as a minority, the minority is going to be smaller over here and my hair.. in a way represented the main genre I loved: Heavy Metal.
People accuse me of being "gay" at school, or "looking like a girl". Haha.. truth be told I actually felt "gay" when I got my hair cut! I felt really masculine with long hair, it felt like chopping off a lion's mane!
I used to go to another High School in the city, a Catholic one and people there used to constantly tell me to get a haircut because it's considered if you have long hair you're a "scruffer" or a "bogan", which I found strange at this school because Jesus was portrayed to have long hair!
In reality when people assume I'm a homosexual because of my hair I think.. hang on and think of all the famous gay people out there and the majority of them have short hair!

Edit: My friend's Mother also said to me after I got my haircut, "Nice haircut Ben" and I thought woah.. that's nice of her but she then said "You look NORMAL" and that was harsh.
Before when I had long hair she even asked me to my face if i was a homosexual "joking" but I don't want to be made fun of for no apparent reason at all.. especially by an adult who are said to be "mature".. I'd expect that from people my age.. but come on.
The bottom line is this....the length of your hair,whether very short or extremely long, makes little difference in what kind of person you are or what your "worth" to society should or shouldn't be. While it may be a sad truth that "appearance is everything" to many people, that doesn't mean that it should just be accepted and never change. People judging you as being a homosexual, a drug addict, or even just a lazy bum, is in truth no more appropriate or acceptable as any sort of racial stereotypes ought to be.

I've personally always gotten a laugh out of the homosexual connotations. I've seen, met and been friends with people who are gay, and most of them look "normal" (i.e. short hair, well dressed, etc.) Most of them say they prefer men with short hair and such. Look at the guys who're known to be homosexual in the metal scene (Halford, etc.) they don't wear their hair long.
If this were 1956, I could understand the connotation perhaps a bit more, but I really thought that by 2006, such a ridiculous stereotype would've fallen by the wayside a bit more. Shows what I know, heh.

Some people look better with longer hair, and in truth some people look better with shorter hair. Any girl who truly likes you should like you regardless. I have long hair but I'm not a slob, I take care of it and I dress decently. I think that's what really matters. I know plenty of guys with military haircuts who are slobs anyhow.

I think the great thing about metal actually is that nowadays you can look like whatever you want to, and it won't necessarily matter in terms of your being accepted. Back in 1985 it was not so easy to be accepted if you didn't have a certain look to you.
Novembers Paul said:
Larry and I are close. I think mine is longer, only becasue he actually takes care of his hair, and trims it like your supposed to. I haven't even trimmed mine in almost 12 years, so it's a tangled mess all the time.

As far as haircuts... I doubt you'll see that anytime soon. Who do you think we are, Eric Burnley? :)

PUH-LEEEEEEZ just don't pull a 'Paradise Lost' and go all Metrosexual on us...
I was Jesus for Halloween!

My hair is pretty long now, nearly a foot past my shoulders. Considering I'm about 6'9" tall, I should be able to get it well over 3 feet before it's uncomfortable to sit in a toilet.

My normal way to get people to not complain about my hair is saying "I haven't gotten a haircut since September 17 2002", then they comment along the lines of "it's sad you remember that" and I'll tell them it's the day after my dad died. Makes them feel bad, and stop complaining about it.
Oh man, this subject hurts me so bad! It's been almost a year since I cut my hair. I used to have it about 50 cm long but had to cut it cause mother nature deprived me of it! :( what a bitch!
It started going thin and weak. Anyway I'm used to it and I don't make a fuss about it (until I bumped on this thread, damn you all you long haired :D LOL)

I left a tail at the back of my head though for consolation :)