
I think the delay is because they're having problems with their label or something. Cause the album is done, been done for quite a while. Can't really say much else.

Meant to post on the other thread rofl and also realized it's old as fuck :O
I think the delay is because they're having problems with their label or something. Cause the album is done, been done for quite a while. Can't really say much else.

Technology wouldnt allow for half speed tracking to yield a result as good as that record. Plus i have developed an ear that can pick that stuff out pretty quick, I never heard any red flags.

In 2004? It definitely would have. Record at half speed, chop the notes up and move them all into place. Not necessarily using stretching to get it up to speed, but it's the same end effect if you do it right.
In 2004? It definitely would have. Record at half speed, chop the notes up and move them all into place. Not necessarily using stretching to get it up to speed, but it's the same end effect if you do it right.

It wouldn't need to be played at half the speed, just slow enough to not cut desired sustain short of the previous note. Ive used that method a million times and it yields an unnatural sound. If it was done like that then, respect.
Has anyone here covered a necrophagist song? I would love to hear that.

Used to play this with a drummer buddy of mine, took a shitload of memorization for his parts. The tabs existing for it also were quite off so it required retranscribing to get it right.
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yes, engl rackhead, and there's definitely some major editing going on there! those half-speed rumors are totally true - chris really did a good job at disguising that shit though :)
I have just read from Wikipedia that Bob Katz did the mastering job for this album....whooaaa:worship:

Here's what he has posted in a thread in Gearslutz:

I'm not directly tied in with the metal community, but let me tell you a story.
I am not generally known as a "metal" engineer, but some metal clients have sought me out for my approach to sound. A band from Germany called "Necrophagist" on Relapse records came to me because they knew I wouldn't smash a record unless someone asked me to. (Which is the approach of many of our fellow Gearslutz guys so I'm not pretending I'm unique).

Anyway, the story is the band and the label were all going for "good sound with a reasonable compromise". They preferred to have some sound quality and it came out anywhere from 2 to 4 dB lower than the current loudest metal CDs (that is a lot, but the loudness race has taken us to a dead end, with undefined transients, actual loss of loudness and clarity, lumpy bass, small image...). So if you came to me you wouldn't get the hottest CD on the planet, but if it's a good mix, it can become a great master.

For this to happen, the band, the label and the engineer(s) must be on the same page, and the rewards (better sound on the radio) can be enormous. You also have to deal with that penis-envy that comes from "my disc only goes up to 10" if you forget to turn up the volume control!
Yeah Bob Katz mastered both albums, however theres something weird going on the master like a fast attack when you hear transitions from calm parts to louder parts ( epitaph ) its kinda annoying when listening loud especially in cars.
Thanatos nice playing , and your guitar reminds me of a banana.

only if you feel like being completely emasculated :(

I feel you man, when sometimes I think I play nice I always end up thinking of those exact two girls and then I remind myself that I'm not that good hehe
Has anyone here covered a necrophagist song? I would love to hear that.

Rough take I did a while ago.

I really doubt Muhammed & Christian Müenzner had to speed up there tracks but if makes a better record then why not use the tools available to you. Both are insanely tight live and have no trouble playing their solos.
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