need a new pda/cell phone

I like the iPad (generation 1) but honestly only use it about once a week for maybe an hour. For vacations it's fuckin' tits because it's something easy to take anywhere and figure out maps, restaurants, etc. If I had to use it instead of a regular computer I'd probably do something more useful with my time like read a book.

I liked Apple until the stupid recent "virus" thing, and the official solution for older OSX types was: "lolz just turn off Java and hope for the best." Fuckers, now BoingBoing doesn't do fancy loading on my old MacBook. Maybe that's why I bought a Droid instead of an iPhone, I dunno. Not like there is really much of a difference to a typical tard-user such as myself.
i dont like them because i like general purpose devices that do not dictate what you can and can't do with your own hardware
i am totally against it ... but the wife wants one.

good thing Apple has a 30 day return policy. we'll see.

i wouldn't give them a dime ...

i am totally against it ... but the wife wants one.

good thing Apple has a 30 day return policy. we'll see.

i wouldn't give them a dime ...

... but the wife wants one.

whipped shackled beaten left for dead in a ditch at the side of the road
vittra it might surprise you to learn that wives are autonomous beings with a will of their own and a right to purchase whatever garbage home electronics they want, even if it does not please their husband
I don't think the word autonomous applies when you are using someone else's money to buy garbage
whipped shackled beaten left for dead in a ditch at the side of the road

sweetheart ... i said Wife is getting an IPad ... not that I am buying it for her.
her folks are getting it for her as a graduation gift.
I like the iPad (generation 1) but honestly only use it about once a week for maybe an hour. For vacations it's fuckin' tits because it's something easy to take anywhere and figure out maps, restaurants, etc. If I had to use it instead of a regular computer I'd probably do something more useful with my time like read a book.

can you print from it? wirelessly?
I have no idea if it can print anything. Probably, but I've never tried. Knowing most Apple things it will either take 2 seconds to figure out, or more than 5 hours of frustration before realizing that it isn't actually possible.
Mine says DON'T PANIC on the front wallpaper because Douglas Adams was right. I'm not sure if that makes me a dork or a hipster, I suppose it depends on what Starbucks I use it within.
I suppose it depends on what Starbucks I use it within.

Starbucks forever reigns supreme among coffee shops now because of it's awesome support of the 2nd Amendment while other buckled under the heal of protest.

I always pick up my iced-Americano from Starbucks on the way to the range :).


(Not my gear, ACU pattern sucks. Sorry Army-dudes.)

Starbucks: not just for hipsters. Haha.