Need headphone suggestions (take 2)


Apr 5, 2002
Melbourne, Australia
Okay guys, now that I finally got rid of those horrible Sennheiser HD650s, I'm after some proper headphones again.

Could you please name me your top suggestions? Ideally only ones you've personally worked with, and you have felt to be exceptional (ie. on the level that Event Opals are as monitors).

The primary use for these will be to balance low-end during mixing, a purpose my ATH-M50s are currently serving (with some difficulty, being a closed design and all).

Ideally if they can sound nothing whatsoever like the HD650s, that would be great. Also, if they could feel like they weren't built as plastic toys for toddlers, that would be an added bonus.

I'm essentially just after an upgraded, open-eared version of the ATH-M50s. Higher impedance than the ATH is a MUST, as I only get one notch on my headphone amp volume which is actually usable due to how low their impedance is.

What was it you didn't like about the HD650's? I've had brief experiences with a pair of HD800's -from what I've heard they are supposed to be pretty similar sounding cans?

That said, Beyer DT880's and AKG702's. Both are semi-open, fit your impedance requirements, though aren't as cheap as your wallet might like.

I have had more experience with the AKG702's than the 880's, and I'm ever-so-impressed by the bass response on them when I do get to use them. High end is sometimes a little exaggerated, and they're not very stable on your head, but those are about the only gripes I have. Great sound, kick the shit out of anything I've used for that much money - hell, I'd use them over similarly priced studio monitors if I owned my own pair.

I only mentioned the 880's because most people here seem to have very awkward stiffies for them. I'm sure someone else might be able to vouch.
I got Beyerdynamic DT880's. They sound great, opens a whole new world that is called transients. Very cosy, really wraps around your ears. Might be a bit heavy compared to akg240's but it doesn't bother me any more. But I have a hard time getting the low end correct when I mix, I always seem to be overdoing it.
Well, I personally love the Sennheiser HD-650's and work with them every day... :lol:

But I guess you should go to a nearby music store and listen to the K-702's and Beyerdynamic DT-990 Pro's. They should be totally different compared to the HD-650's.
I guess if you are asking this here, it's because you cannot check by yourself, but isn't there at least a place where you live or not too far where you could test some ? I mean, the problem with headphones is that it's so subjective you may end having the same problem you had with your HD650s, so maybe driving an hour or two can be a useful investment.

I understand you didn't like the HD650 (though saying they are crap is not fair in my opinion, this is a highly subjective statement that many won't agree with, hD600 and 650 are quite popular even in mastering houses, also I think I remember you did not test them a long time, even if it's understandable if you really didn't expect them to be like that), but the plastic it's made of is actually something I like about them, more than a metallic construction. Dunno if it's the way my head is made, but it's the lightest pair I've ever tested, out of all thos they had in the local shop. To get tired of them, i have to wear them a huge time. One of last nights, I played Portal 2 straight from the beginning to the end, I wasn't even tired of them. Also, they are quite in a good shape for having followed me during 3 to 4 years, plastic or not. If you don't plan on hammering

I had tested some beyedynamic that sounded good too, but as I don't remember which ones they were, I won't say a random name.

Wasn't that Plec who said he loves the DT770 ?
Plec likes the pre-2006 DT770s, with higher ohmage. Can't get them new anymore.

I'll be hitting a local pro audio store with a friend tomorrow, so I'll put together a reference CD and go from there. Thanks guys. I'll bear all these models in mind.
I've always had great luck with older 770's and 990's. Never tried newer ones, didn't know there was a difference.

Try out some Stax earspeakers if you ever get a chance. Might have mentioned this last time but anyways...

I was at a studio in France a couple of weeks back with a pair and was once again reminded how truly hilarious they are.
AKG K-702's are great. I know Lasse loves the K701's, and the K-702 is just the same headphone with a different aesthetic design and a removable cable AFAIK. I have dropped them near 20 times and they're near indestructable.
There are 3 different BEYERDYNAMIC DT-770 headphones on Thomann, One 250 ohm DT 770 Pro , one 80 Ohm Dt 770 Pro, and one DT 770 M at 80 ohm. I wonder if the 250 ohm version it`s different from the older ones used by Plec?
If it's any help, out of my headphones (AKG K-271 mkII, K-301, Beyerdynamic DT-990 Pro) the 271 sound the closest to my monitors (Adam S3A) in my treated room. I was actually amazed because the sound is so similar (balance-wise especially). The 990s are awesome, but they sound very different.
Different price league of course, but AKG could be the way to go. I only heard the 702s once but they were amazing.
I had the DT770 pros and they sounded SO UNNATURAL it made me insane. The bass response was unhealthily exaggerated, there was a huge lack of core mids, and the high end was way too staticy. I couldn't get rid of those things fast enough.
Okay I went and checked out the DT770s and DT990 Pros. Nobody had the K-702s in stock.

The DT770s were the new 250ohm model. Comparing them side by side to the ATH-M50s, I couldn't really find much reason to take them. I had no idea the DT-770s were a closed, bass reflex design. The low-end essentially sounds like a ported speaker box, it's definitely thumpy and uneven. I could vibe okay with them, and they seemed reasonably functional - on par sonically with the M50s. The DT-990s were flatter in the lows, but also more boring overall, and weren't a very good representation of how I hear music on the monitors. I put the Untruth EP on, a CD I know ridiculously well, and it sounded absolutely nothing like it was supposed to.

All in all I'm still clinging to the ATH-M50s. Hoping for better luck with the K-702s... but honestly I doubt there is anywhere in Melbourne I'll be able to try them out.
Ive been in the situation a whileago and the only thing i Can contribute with is that i fine the hd600's much better Tham the 650's, a Little smeary treble but def mixable, the 650's were too lowmid heavy where the 600's were much better
Today i had the oportunity to listen 2 models of headphones; the AKG K-271 MKII, and the AKG K-240 MKII. I liked the K240 MKII better, i think it`s got something to do with the open design vs the closed (271 MKII). If i remember correctly Joey Sturgis recomended this model of cans on this forum at a moment...
I owned the prevoipus model the K 240 Studio model , but i did not like them for some reason.
Just saw a pic with Jens Bogren and noticed that he got a DT770 headphone on his desk to... but unfortunately no store got them on stock here.