Need help choosing some mics!


Bam Bam Boogie Bear!
Jun 11, 2010
Tallahassee, Fl
So i came across a Craigslist ad from a guy selling a bunch of mics for 50 bucks each. I havent played with a whole lot of different mics, so i'm not as familiar as to which ones are the better ones or not. Basically, i will copy/paste his list of mics and i would like you to tell me which ones YOU would buy or think are worth 50 bucks.

"Shure sm57 sm81 audix scx25a d6 audio technical At4040, Sennheiser md441, md421, stedman n90 ev767 and others"

I am waiting on an email response for a detailed list of the "others", which i will then update this post upon the time i receive said email.

Its pretty much a given that i will get another 57, but aside from that one, which ones would interest you, and describe what situations they work well in? you can also consider this a "general mic discussion" thread.

Also, Presonus TubePre for 60 bucks for somebody's first preamp/DI box?
I wish i had the money to buy em all! maybe he will do a deal for buying multiple, as if it isnt already enough of a deal ;) im hoping to see an sm7b in that detailed list! hell i may just buy some that i wouldnt even need and turn around and sell them for what they are actually worth. but we'll see after i hear from the guy. hoping it isnt a scam, as well!
i wouldnt buy a used sm 57 unless you are 100% sure you can spot if its a fake one.. i've been there already and paid for a fake one..

also, i just think its really strange he sells all for 50 bucks. the md421 for example should cost much much more. make sure they are all in goo condition and not fake (never heard of a faked md421, but still)
Very well could be stolen.... That's a super cheap price man. Most people who bought mics like those would NOT sell them that cheap... unless he just doesn't care, or if they're really beat up. But yeah if they're in good condition, def get the sm81's and 421's.
+1 on likely stolen

if not, he might be one of those guys who's strung out on drugs, and trying to sell all his shit for cheap to get high. that's always bad for them...but great for whoever has cash in hand for their stuff!
ok well he corrected his post, saying the 57 and 58s start at 50, and the rest are priced around 50-60% off retail price. but still, that's a pretty good deal for some mics
Ah that makes more sense. Then they're probably just a little beat up or he needs to sell them quick...