Need help testing DIs...

I don't know if it's of any use, because it depends so much on how people reamp I think. But since I was reamping some songs anyways, I did your track too.

Chain: OD808 - Engl E570 - Fryette G5202S - ENGL 4x12 XXL - E906/Sm57 - Mackie Analog 8Bus - Mackie MDR

Settings are quite neutral. No processing.




Good luck tracking.
Thanks guys!

and lepou you bastard don't say you have a Mark V plug on the go :D
Did myself a gift for my birthday. Still experimenting with it. Having the tonestack between the preamp gain stage is quite a change when you are not use to this config. Anyway, it gives me something to do while not working on LeCab2 for Mac o_O
I think the DIs sound great. They are very noisy however, which you can hear at the end. Maybe see if a ground lift will fix it, and try to distance yourself from any electronic gear that may give off a large amount of EMI (like your computer).

Anyway, here are some runs: DI Test/OD1 Orange Cab 1.wav DI Test/OD1 Orange Cab 2.wav

They should be relatively phase accurate, so you can mix and match in the DAW if you like.