SavaVIDude said:

I was listening to Iced Earth's Dark Saga this morning, and I just LOVE that shit!! Can anyone give me some lesser-known bands that are in that same phat, nasty, heavy, plain-assed fuck your ears groove??

Thanks in advance,
Chris :rock:

Grave Digger, try The Grave Digger, The Reaper, Heart of Darkness, Tunes of War.
Squeak said:
Morgana Lefay - Maleficium or Grand Materia. DEFINITELY. Pretty much ANY Morgana Lefay.

I was going to mention this band too, but you beat me to it - right down to the two discs. Just PURE riff-heavy metal with powerful mid to low-range vox with a bit of grit to them. I'd start with Grand Materia. You'll love the songs, "Hollow" and "I Roam". Check out their website for the video clip of, "Hollow". Great stuff to sing along too, just like Dark Saga.
The Experience- Insights

ooooh, now there's a nice and obscure pick... great album, although I'd liken it more to early Evergrey than to Iced Earth, myself.

Morgana Lefay - Maleficium or Grand Materia. DEFINITELY. Pretty much ANY Morgana Lefay.

great recommendations also... although, since he mentioned "groove", I'd more likely recommend Sanctified to him... plus it has more straight-up thrashiness to it than these do, which is more like Iced Earth's style... then again, GM and Male have the epicness of "A Question of Heaven", and then some...

how about:

Enertia - Force
Mercenary - 11 Dreams (includes clean/death vocals)
Unleashed Power - Mindfailure
Forte - Division
Wrathchild America - 3D
Being a huge IE fan myself. Here's my suggestions

If Barlow's your thing, definately check out Burnt Offerings if you haven't already. Also, if you're not 100% already into IE, check out Days of Purgatory. They redid a bunch of older IE songs, but with Barlow on vox. I don't even really listen to anything prior to Days of Purgatory. Something Wicked is their best album IMO.

Now, if you like the whole IE vibe, then definately go pickup the first Demons & Wizards CD. 2nd one isn't as kickass as the first one. It's totally kills.

And my suggestions, altho the vox are nothing like IE, but I got into Primal Fear at about the same time as I got into IE. Check out Nuclear Fire. Definately kickass (but not so much on the dark side of music, like Dark Saga).
I can't find anything on the band "The Experience", let alone the album "Insights" (Google didn't turn anything up with various search phrases). Anyone know their official home page (or any web page about them), so that I can check out their songs? I checked a few online stores and couldn't find it being sold either. Is this band even together anymore? Any help would be appreciated.
The Experience aren't around any longer. They had two releases:

1. Realusion (AFM Records, 1996)
2. Insight (Semaphore/NTP Productions, 1999)- It had world wide distribution (other than the U.S. of course) so it should be easy to track down from a vendor.

"Insight" is *essential* while the other disc shows a glimmer of what is to come. I bought both from the Laser's Edge back when they were first released so perhaps Ken may have some ordering information?

I'm rather certain a website no longer exisits.

Glenn H.
Harvester said:
It's one of the best "unknown" discs out there. I would call it a progressive Iced Earth right down to the riffs and Barlowesqe vox (not as good though). However, they have some atmospheric passages that would make Gildenlow proud.
Did anyone else just get wood from that description?

SavaVIDude said:
Yes, I have Something Wicked. It's my fav IE CD.
Mine too.
SavaVIDude said:
I saw them with Barlow a few years ago and they STILL haven't found the fucking doors to that place!!
Yep. I caught them on back to back nights on the "Horrow Show" tour. The NYC show was solid, the Philly show the next night was sick. Barlow is a god.:worship:
SavaVIDude said:
Saw them with Ripper; it was good, but not Barlow.
Ripper is awesome live. He's one of the few vocalists who does everything live that he does on CD. Perhaps his only flaw is, he's not Barlow.
SavaVIDude said:
Do you have a particular CD for Order of Nine??
The only one I've heard is their latest "Season of Reign".
SavaVIDude said:
I am gonna try Glenn's suggestion, also.
Me too.

I'm surprised to see so many LaFay recommendations. The only disc I have by them is "The Seventh Seal". I've only listened to it once, and it didn't do much for me. I think I shall revisit it.

For the Lefay fans, what is considered their best disc? Thanks.

Maleficium! ;)

hey, I have an idea... how about half of us chant "Grand Materia!" and half of us chant "Maleficium!"... kinda like in those old Bud Light commercials... "Tastes great!!!"... "Less filling!!"...
Trans-Siberian Outcast said:
Dark Saga kicks my ass too. I bought Burnt Offerings hoping for the same quality, but I didn't get it. BO is good, but nowhere hear what Dark Saga is. I've been eyeing Something Wicked This Way Comes, thinking that one might be closer to DS style and quality.

NP: Nevermore - This Godless Endeavor

I would DEFINITELY recommend "Something Wicked"!! It is my "beat the shit outta something, exfoliate all anger, get down in the mud, kill something" CD. It is one of my fav CDs EVER!!

Chris :rock:
Rider of Theli said:
I've been a fan Iced Earth since 1991, shortly after their self-titled debut on Century Media. I've loved them all the way through Ripper Owens, but I must say that Barlow's era of Burnt Offerings/Dark Saga was their finest.

Another aforementioned band is Morgana Lefay. I've recently re-discovered them after hearing their more recent material on BEC. Grand Materia and S.O.S. are currently kicking my ASS! This music really takes me back to Savatage's early years - Sirens/Hall of the Mountain King era. And I haven't been this happy with metal in YEARS!

I have heard a little of ML over the years, but your comparison to early Sava - WHERE THE FUCK DO I SIGN UP?? I'll try a couple of these!!

Thanx to everyone for your responses!!

So much metal
So little time!! :rock: :rock: :rock: :rock: :rock: :rock: :rock: :rock: :rock:

Chris :rock:
SavaVIDude said:
I would DEFINITELY recommend "Something Wicked"!! It is my "beat the shit outta something, exfoliate all anger, get down in the mud, kill something" CD. It is one of my fav CDs EVER!!

Chris :rock:
Thanks, my fellow Savafan! I've been looking at Something Wicked for awhile now, I think I'll bump it up higher on my wish list. And definitely check out (Morgana) Lefay. Their album Seventh Seal is on my top 20 albums OF ALL TIME list. It is very reminiscent of early Savatage!

NP: Phenomena (Mel Galley, Glenn Hughes, Cozy Powell, Neil Murray)