Need some muuuuuzeeek


Sep 25, 2003
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Sup... I'm spun on 2 days of no sleep and 6 pots of coffee today, so I'm looking for some new music. I've been trying to find some more Melodic Death & Melodic Black stuff, shit similar to: Vehemence, Beyond The Sixth Seal, IllNath, Gates Of Ishtar, Ebony tears (Tortura Nausea years)... Any ideas?

It's like I'm tweeking without using Meth.
SACRILEGE damnit..... Features IN FLAMES drummer Daniel Svensson before he went to go play for In flames.

SACRILEGE is kinda like a darker sounding At The Gates, with a slight Dissection vibe in a few riffs here and there. Really good shit.....Check it out.....

IN THY DREAMS,.....Features half the members of CARNAL FORGE. Total At The Gates worship, but more brutal and much faster....Makes "Reign in blood" look like girls with lollypops.

CARNAL FORGE....Might already know this band, but if not, check them. They rule.....Euro thrash ala THE HAUNTED only faster and more tech.

ARSIS...Fucking incredible shit. Need I say more?

TERROR 2000 - Featuring members of SOILWORK and DARKANE. Melodic and fast as hell.


Also, I also like EBONY TEARS...all 3 albums rule, and I have to agree Tortura Insomniae was their best album.
Sacrilege is a must......i agree

Eternal Lies

Sins Of Omission

Without Grief

Youll like all those bands. Im really into old swedish melodic metal also, so check them out!
Necrophagist - Brutal Vox galore, but there's so much fretboard masturbation in their songs that even you might jizz your pants.
Devil Ate My Son - - German Thrash/Metalcore.
In Quest - just some all around good thrash.
Arsis - the greatest thing since...Cinnamon Toast Crunch.
All Shall Perish - The hardest hitting thing since Hiroshima.
Carpharnaum - In yo' face bitch!
I also agree with that

Necrophagist - Epitaph is fucking awesome :zombie:

The capharnaum is a bit overrated though
Damn, no-one's mentioned:

Arghoslent - Incorrigible Bigotry (holy shit... everyone needs to listen to this album... death metal mixed with traditional metal, agressive and catchy as fuck)
Dissection - Storm of the Lights Bane (realy melodic black/death, done the proper way)
Sacrementum - Far Away from the Sun (pretty similar to Dissection, but maybe a bit better)
Necrophobic - The Nocturnal Silence (death metal with great riffs and a good bit of melody)

And check out Psycroptic... just because they're fucking fantastic.

Uh... there's some more... but I cant think of them at the moment.
Their guitarist sweeps better than my school janitor (lame). Any theory-knowledgable musicians take note they play almost everything in diminished, it's crazy. I didn't think you could do a whole song diminished, let alone probably the whole cd.
PaganBlood said:
Ah yes, I'll second that recommendation, being a big fan myself.

And personaly, I find Necrophagist totaly overrated... all technicality, no feeling.