heres what you do. this will guarantee you a decent rig. it might cost a bit more, but its worth it. buy a 6-8 space rack. buy a digitech gsp2101 w/latest firmware and dual s disc for the preamp. buy a rocktron hush IIXC or similar. buy a carvin TS100 tube power amp. buy a slant cab, something with good speakers that can be had for cheap, like the Peavey 412MS. if the digitech doesn't come with a floorboard buy a behringer FCB1010, best investment you'll ever make, and with this rig, you will own 90% of peoples tones out there, and be out maybe a grand. you could also be cool like me and substitute the 2101 with a vamp pro, and beef it up a bit with a bbe, but this leaves you with the most options.