Need the Boards Advice on 2 half Stacks

Elysian893 said:
heres what you do. this will guarantee you a decent rig. it might cost a bit more, but its worth it. buy a 6-8 space rack. buy a digitech gsp2101 w/latest firmware and dual s disc for the preamp. buy a rocktron hush IIXC or similar. buy a carvin TS100 tube power amp. buy a slant cab, something with good speakers that can be had for cheap, like the Peavey 412MS. if the digitech doesn't come with a floorboard buy a behringer FCB1010, best investment you'll ever make, and with this rig, you will own 90% of peoples tones out there, and be out maybe a grand. you could also be cool like me and substitute the 2101 with a vamp pro, and beef it up a bit with a bbe, but this leaves you with the most options.
That set up would be a bit to processed sounding dont you think? And then to add a maximizer?
ihave27frets said:
That set up would be a bit to processed sounding dont you think? And then to add a maximizer?
seeing as i run a vamp pro, with a bbe, and i've used it live many times, no. it doesn't sound to processed, if you know what you're doing(which i'd imagine you would)... the gsp2101 definately wouldn't sound too processed, and the vamp can get some incredible metal tones without sounding too processed. remember, the gsp2101 has tube circuitry, as well as solid state, its gonna be capable of getting some incredibly organic tones.