Needing A Huge Favor

I have to agree with everyone else,

The buttons need to go, they are too big, to hard to read (it might not be hard to read for you as you're used to them) - the site does not feel right, it doesn't catch my eye/attention, I usually hit the close button as soon as I see websites like these.

I think you need to re-design the whole thing, - colours are bad too, it's just plain and over the top at the same time.

Sorry dude :/
I really appreciate your opinion but the banner is going to stay the way it is and the buttons are really cool as well. I dont find them hard to read at all.

Base yourself on the public's opinion... they really are hard to read. But I'm supporting the idea (being a noob-website-maker since 4 years). The only thing about a fan website is that it has to follow the band a LOT and be interactive somewhere, which makes it difficult because of this forum haha. Good luck anyway, if you need ideas I may get some.
well you can write a review on one of the albums for the discography section if you would like. That would help alot.

Hmm I would but I don't think I got the abilities to do that kind of stuff, not having a vast-enough knowledge of music. But I can help in things about the website, getting ideas and things to change... things that most people could do, but will they? I would.
ok then. I need some good pictures that arent under copyright laws so I dont get sued or anything. If you can find me some good pics of them that would be great. Plus I will give you credit for them on the website.
Seriously though, the weave patterns on the buttons are too much. The smaller words are alright, but on 'discography', 'pictures', and also 'hessian' in the banner, there's too much clutter.

Try to reduce the contrast between the banner/buttons and the plain black background. It makes the whole page uninspiring.
Apart from doubting the quality of you fansite, I must also question the purpose.

Fansites is, generally speaking, a thing of the 90s. Before bands understood the importance of a thorough website, fans created a community within these fansites to share pictures, opinions etc. Opeth's official website is about a complete as can be.

Not to be mean, but I honestly cannot think of one reason why anyone should go to your site.
i really dont want to sound rude , but pleas tell me that the side is just a placeholder and that you will design it properly- because it does not look like the work of a designer...

beside this little rant, all powers to you and your side!
The "dates" section is missing 19-Sept Worcester show. Don't trust TicketBastard for tourdates...:Smug:

Also, this must be for US fans only?