Negura Bunget - 'n crugu bradului

Nate The Great

What would Nathan do?
May 10, 2002
Negura Bunget
‘n crugu bradului
Code666 2003

By Nathan Pearce

Primitive Transylvanian Metal. That’s what promoters are calling Negura Bunget. As an American, this conjures up images of Dracula, dark castles, and other popular folklore. However, after listening to this latest release from the band, I knew I was in for a lesson in not only Transylvanian mythology, but also modern primitive black metal. Modern primitive black metal? Is that possible? I’ve heard my fair share of modern bands playing their version of early 90’s primitive black metal, but I could always tell it was more of a nostalgia trip than a discourse in creative primitive metal.

Negura Bunget has succeeded in taking the raw aesthetics of early 90’s black metal and combining them with the more complex and epic arrangements of modern, epic extreme music. The album is simply divided up into four songs. Each song, or segment, cooresponds to one of the seasons. As is the case with each changing season, each song has its aggressive and chaotic moments, but also its quiet and almost ambient moments. Trees swaying in the silhouette of a setting sun suddenly become twisted and gnarled as a turbulent wind rips through the forest as night sets in.

Without much knowledge of Romanian folklore and mythology, I feel like I am missing out on some of the amazing spiritual appeal of this album. Nevertheless, a strong sense of nature and dark atmosphere permeates each and every second of Negura Bunget’s music. The Cathartic release of a night in the forest; heavy fog swirling around your ankles; moon light barely casting shadows through the dense tree growth all around; a torch in hand is your only guide as you traverse fearlessly to some unknown voice calling you from deep within the night.

Without limiting a band like Negura Bunget, I would call their music a hybrid of early Enslaved and early Emperor with more of a modern take on song writing. Simply put, this album is a great addition to the somewhat stagnant primitive metal genre. Immersed in both the pasts raw power and the presents more epic displays of progressive extreme metal.

As a Romanian that understands the lyrics I can honestly say that Negura Bunget is one of the most innovative bands out there. The record is beyond description and is a tremendous leap forward from their past releases. By the way, if you want the English translation to the lyrics go to their website and download them in the LYRICS section. Amazing record through and through that deserves all the recognition it will receive.