Nervous habits

dead_fetus said:
I'm really quiet in person to begin with, but when I get nervous I pretty much hole up and just stare at the ground. If I am talking to someone, that usually means less eye contact and lots of looking around. The only thing on my mind during these times is getting the situation over with as fast as possible.
I'm the same way, but I usually act this way when I'm getting bitched out by someone or pushed to the edge of a mental breakdown. I tend to stare at the ground sideways...which is kinda weird.
But hey, if it creeps the other person out, it's a good defense, right? :loco:
geez.... I don't have anything really. except that I get bitchy sometimes, but that can also happen when I'm not nervous and make fun of something (or someone).
when I was a kid I used to bite fingernails but that stopped at the age of 15.
*shrugs* damn, am I boring. LOL
Yeah, I check my e-mail compulsively, too. If I can't do that, I eat. If I can't do either, I start to play with my hair. I tease out a strand, twist/wrap it around a finger unti it's all orderly and soft, and I start running a small loop of it over my face, trying desperately not to start sucking on it like I used to do as a kid.
When i'm nervous i start to wobble my legs and tap my feet, sometimes i even jump because i just can't sit still and need to get energy out. When i'm mad or agitaded, i start to bite my nails, lip or any pencil i can find, to get the irritation out. When i neglect that? Annoying and repeating nightmares will follow. I must say, since i found my way to the gym, i can bend my stress during sports and it's been a long time since i've had nightmares, bite my nails or gained weight. Before? I ate away my stress.
Stress hits my throat. I literally try to swallow away my stress and the results are cramps, a blown up feeling and a sour throat. :ill:
I had a throat surgery, when i was 2 years old.
Eversince, that has been my weak point.
I got an unexpected stresscall from my mother, this sundaynight. She's staying over ever since. No problem, just a weird situation to handle. Results? Sour throat, catched a cold and i feel miserable. Such things knock me off my feet and my health gets affected. Ah well, i'll sniff some more tissues away and will feel better within a few days.
I tend to talk on a little too much to make up for my nerves, and sometimes people say what I said back and although its funny ..I dont think I said it ...and I tap these long fingernails on my desk, teeth, anything usally to the beat of Silent Hedges/ Double Dare song of choice
my tongue turns into a rubberglove... i literally cant speak when i am nervous enough... when i have to speak in front of a class it happens... specially the english TH sounds get fucked up.
nervous - play with my hair, sweat, stutter, just generally freak out. when i'm put in one of those "lots of pressure and stuff i don't know how to do all of a sudden" situations, i have this nice self-destruct button i push.

i have all kinds of weird things i do when i'm just bored - crack my knuckles, pick my split-ends, and pluck out my eyelashes (i have almost none left, it creeps people out :Spin: )
DreamNeonBlack said:
I drum on things, constantly and for some reason I always tap out the beginning to Dream Theaters AWAKE. Whatever that first song is called.

lol i always tap my feet to bands and my pen as well, thats how i started playing drums 3 years ago.
and i peel the dead/dried skin off of my lips. blood goes everywhere, and i'll usually be doing it in the middle of class and not even realize it, so i'll just be sitting there with my sleeve pressed to my mouth to soak up the blood. obviously, proper sanitation is not a big priority of mine.
Stealer of Dreams said:
I do that too, bleh.
you'd think you'd learn not to after you get the horrible stinging pain when you peel off not-dead skin, and then whenever you drink something citrus-y. but noooooo...

i refuse to become a member of the chapstick cult, though. apparently, that stuff is literally addictive.
I use watermelon lip balm, the non-shiney stuff. Keeps my lips soft and stops them from peeling, but doesnt look gay. Tastes nice too.