Neurosis & Mindrot

Nate The Great said:
JayKeeley: The new Terrorizer has a nice article and CD review of the Neurosis & Jarboe release. Considering you like the strange world of Swans, you might actually want to check that album out. Personally that album is a little difficult to listen to because Neurosis is so subdued and Jarboe is so crazy . . . BUT it is definitely a match that works. You won't get the real Neurosis from this release, but you will get something that carries the Neurosis spirit of forever pushing themselves musically.
Is that the edition with their Top 40 list of 2003? I just bought that yesterday so I'll look out for that article, thanks. I'm interested to hear the Neurosis album I just ordered yesterday too.
Meh , a good exemple of drifting in Royal Carnage ^^ . Has every Neurosis-RC freak bought Neurosis & Jarboe ? I plan to , but I'm short on cash , will be a tough decision , how it's like?
Neurosis & Jarboe is worth the money, but don't expect a normal Neurosis release . . . well there is no such thing as "normal" when it comes to Neurosis. Anyway, Neurosis & Jarboe is more based around rhythms than typical Neurosis being based around riffs.
Through Silver in Blood or Souls at Zero would definately be the best places to start for Neurosis, with Souls being the most "accessable" of their style.... but TSIB is mind-blowing.... Enemy of the Sun and Times of Grace are the "2nd stage albums" for Neurosis, that you should check out next, both are crushingly powerful.... and last is my favorite album of all time, A Sun That Never Sets, its Neurosis in a different light, this time, bleak, gloomy, depressing, and emotional, yet still quite heavy.... other albums would crush you with massive opressive walls of sound, this one crushes you emotionally.

new Neurosis album, "The Eye of Every Storm", June 29th by the way.
SunlapseVertigo said:
Through Silver in Blood or Souls at Zero would definately be the best places to start for Neurosis, with Souls being the most "accessable" of their style.... but TSIB is mind-blowing.... Enemy of the Sun and Times of Grace are the "2nd stage albums" for Neurosis, that you should check out next, both are crushingly powerful.... and last is my favorite album of all time, A Sun That Never Sets, its Neurosis in a different light, this time, bleak, gloomy, depressing, and emotional, yet still quite heavy.... other albums would crush you with massive opressive walls of sound, this one crushes you emotionally.

new Neurosis album, "The Eye of Every Storm", June 29th by the way.

Beautiful Nocturnus signature!!!!
Now, you just need to add the EP, I love that cover!
OK so I'm really liking Mindrot's Dawning.

A couple of things:

1 - Three seperate vocalists are listed: Adrian Leroux, Matt Fisher, and Dan Kaufman (where the latter two went on to Eyes of Fire). Does anyone know who sings which part? For example, who sings the clean vocals? They're really good in a slight Ziggy Stardust kind of way.

2 - Mindrot is better than Eyes of Fire.
J. said:
They never list which singer sings specific parts. It might be listed on a webpage somewhere, though.
Yeah, I looked and couldn't find anything. I don't think Dan Kaufman does the clean vox since he sounds different on Eyes of Fire, but I guess his voice could have changed... either way, ALL vocals on Mindrot are excellent.

Yeah man. Eyes of Fire just isn't cohesive. Some of it is very "hit or miss" for me. However, I have a problem with one song on Dawning - it's called "Withersoul". Not that it's a bad song per se, but it just doesn't seem to fit. It kills the mood somewhat, especially when all this atmosphere has been created in the first three tracks...I'm still new to the album though, so my opinion may (probably) change.

ALSO!!!! Did you know that Morgion made a demo called A Slow Succumbing prior to shopping Cloaked By Ages... around to labels? I guess Dark Symphonies liked what they heard. Anyway, the cool part is, Adrian Leroux from Mindrot did all the vocals for that Morgion demo. They did not keep his vox for the final release. Man, I would love to hear that version. I've already written to DS since they have us on their promo mailing list - let's see if they have a copy laying about.
love the intro to Dawning. That first track just creates the perfect mood for what is to come. I always play that track like 5 times before playing the rest of the album.

If you like Dawning, it's pretty much a given you'll like Soul.
Honestly, I have not. I've got a few promos to get sorted. I just wrapped up my review for the new Morgion.

By the way, I just won Mindrot's Soul on eBay for $0.08. Yeah, 8 cents. It was $3 shipping, but still, not bad eh?
eBay has been good to me lately. I bought a $.99 Porcupine Tree sampler at Hastings a week ago. It sold for $51+$3 shipping! Yes, a total of $54 for a $.99 sampler with three songs.

Now lets hope the dude actually pays.
JayKeeley said:
Just got a note from DS - I'll be getting a CD-R of the Morgion demo with the Mindrot vocalist. Should be interesting to hear the difference.

Well, I certainly hope this is not the case.
There are probably three versions of that demo milling about... The one originally sent to DS has Adrian on growling vocals only, if I'm not mistaken.
Morgion said:
Well, I certainly hope this is not the case.
There are probably three versions of that demo milling about... The one originally sent to DS has Adrian on growling vocals only, if I'm not mistaken.
Fair enough. Since the demo is actually listed as part of your discography at certain reference sites (even has it's own artwork?), I figured there was just one version that was basically 'sold out'.


Was this demo ever for sale? Or was it for labels only?
JayKeeley said:
Fair enough. Since the demo is actually listed as part of your discography at certain reference sites (even has it's own artwork?), I figured there was just one version that was basically 'sold out'.


Was this demo ever for sale? Or was it for labels only?

Hehe, yeah... I'm not too sure how that demo made it around so much, to be listed in discographies. It was sent out to labels, and that particular one doesn't sound so great, ha. I know that one is making its rounds on the internet, so I'm not terribly worried about it... I just didn't want people to think they could contact DS or us and request copies, you see... Other than that, it's all good! ha