Neurosis & Mindrot

Getting around to Through Silver in Blood finally, I'm really digging this. Active drone music, or something.
yippee. I've heard people call TSIB "tribal", "industrial", "sludge", and countless other things. I guess I can add "drone" to that list. Either way you slice TSIB is damn-near perfection.
Definitely big on drums, so I hear the tribal. Not slow enough for sludge (but when you listen to Khanate, what is? :D ). Industrial...? :guh:
I wouldn't be able to concentrate on my job if I brought Neurosis CDs to work. Then again, it's not like I concentrate anyway.
I've been concentrating on discussing the merits of mom's spaghetti sauce and browsing Subaru forums all morning.

And they laughed when I offered to work from home...
JayKeeley said:
Nah, it's just sitting in a massive pile of shit I 'aint got round to yet.
Think if I told you that the first track has some very tasty Negura-ish riffs you'd dig it up from your Sacred Pile? :dopey:
Forgot to mention this. If you like either of these bands, you should definetley pick up some EARTHCORPSE. Fucking awesome deathish/doom band from the U.K. (defunct now). Born Bleeding was there best. I found the CD in Slovenia used for like $3. I bring them up in the threads all the time but know one seems to even know who they were.
I was looking around for the Demo 10" and I realized I cant even find either of Earthcorpse's full length albums period. Red Stream used to have the taste of sin, but thats out of stock too now. I still recomend Born Bleeding though, taste of sin is more like Experimental Doom.
En Vind Av Sorg said:
Forgot to mention this. If you like either of these bands, you should definetley pick up some EARTHCORPSE. Fucking awesome deathish/doom band from the U.K. (defunct now). Born Bleeding was there best. I found the CD in Slovenia used for like $3. I bring them up in the threads all the time but know one seems to even know who they were.
I second that. All I have is Taste of Sin and it is great. I have yet to hear Born Bleeding yet though!!!
DO NOT start with A Sun That Never Sets, as it is vastly different than everything else.

After wearing the polycarbonate off Minsk's Ritual Fires of Abandonment, I sifted through my collection to find something of a broadly similar nature. I pulled out ASTNS and immediately soiled my underoos quicker than a bint giving relationship advice to a stallion from Iowa. So I ask ye gents, which album should I grab next? I want to follow the mellow to heavy continuum with this band. My experience is limited to Given to the Rising & Times of Grace. This all really moot, as I'm to likely receive a random post Souls at Zero album or two as an X-Mas gift. Nevertheless, opine with modern impressions of Neurosis, now that we're all old fucks discussing our personal betterment.
After wearing the polycarbonate off Minsk's Ritual Fires of Abandonment, I sifted through my collection to find something of a broadly similar nature. I pulled out ASTNS and immediately soiled my underoos quicker than a bint giving relationship advice to a stallion from Iowa. So I ask ye gents, which album should I grab next? I want to follow the mellow to heavy continuum with this band. My experience is limited to Given to the Rising & Times of Grace. This all really moot, as I'm to likely receive a random post Souls at Zero album or two as an X-Mas gift. Nevertheless, opine with modern impressions of Neurosis, now that we're all old fucks discussing our personal betterment.

Get The Eye of Every Storm. It's their best.