nevermore is teh most tr00 band 3v3r

Hey, its Pyrus! I didn't know you posted here. Sup?

and indeed, i'm quite insane today.... infact i'm so insane that it makes sence!

Now everyone, answer me this: Who would you rather make love to... Nevermore or Optimus Prime?
than you must be a p0s3r cause n3v3rmor3 are teh l33test. they pWnz0r j00. I iz R a tr00 n3vErm0re fac sause i have 1 their albums and i actualy payed for it at a store..... lol i iz j/k i shoplifted it, lol0rz, who actualy would buy it, i also D/Led all their songs cause i'm the ultimate tr00 fan of Nev3rm0rE!!!!!!!!!11!!!1!!!!OneHundredEleven!111!1
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