Nevermore Narcosynthesis DI's + Backing Tracks!

Doing this while waiting a band (wich should don't come today) at TSR studio.
All tracks are dry.

Dual Recto 2 channel
NOS cab with V30 miced with SM57 and AT4050.
2 Randall cabs used but not miced. These ones were placed at more or less 30° from the cab which was miced.
SSL SuperAnalogue Channel
Genelec 1031
Very cool stuff! but is there a chance to get all seperate files?..vocals, lead guitar and bass?.. don't want to use a pre-mixed backingtrack ;)
^ Drums overall sound very dry, sounds like a really small room or something. Snare could use a lot more processing and especially verb.
Didn't think vox and leads are necessary since the base of the reamp test being the guitars, drums and bass. Throw em' in and go!

Actually, it helps to have that as there's something to getting guitars to fit in a mix without drowning everything else out. Would be nice to have all the tracks though so I could use the guitar sound I prefer and put the drums through the SSD Black Kit and make it all fit right. Still awesome to have this to play with and dial up sounds.