Nevermore to appear at Rock Hard Festival 2003

Tee said:
I'm out of here, NoLord, again. the place has become too much of a shithole, and I really don't need this in life. PM or else... g-luck.
long live Nevermore, great band, poor people for having this kinda forum. understandable they don't participate.
if you find me, I'm there, if not, not worth bothering.
stay cool.

You don't make it any better ur self HUN!

....and thats all I have to say about that!
I'll be there..
Well, i need some one to come with me because it looks like Simone can't get the weekend off.
So, *hint* ;) *hint* ;) ..SIS!!! ;)

xxx Iris xxx
Hey, wow!!
Gonna take Alex with ya, or what? ;)
May i stay with you guys?
:yell: I don't wanna go alone! :yell:
Btw, we should all come together and create a "nevermore-camp" :grin:
I wanna meet all you people!
But how can we arrange this?
Any one has any suggestions?
IF we can arrange stuff, i'll order my ticket, still haven't done it.

p.s. It's SPRING!!! :Smokin:
Iris said:
Hey, wow!!
Gonna take Alex with ya, or what? /forum/images/smilies/wink.gif
May i stay with you guys?
I don't wanna go alone!

Btw, we should all come together and create a "nevermore-camp" /forum/images/smilies/supergrin.gif
I wanna meet all you people!
But how can we arrange this?
Any one has any suggestions?
IF we can arrange stuff, i'll order my ticket, still haven't done it.

p.s. It's SPRING!!!

That would be cool, well for most of us.
Though it will never happened, maybe the new lable see this and feel it to be a must. Yeah right,
No camping place? :eek:
Hmm..i can't afford a hotel!
Guess i won't be going then :(
How are you guys gonna do it?

Can anyone translate this?

"Het Vlaamse heir staat immer pal
Daar ’t winnen of daar ’t sterven zal
Alhier, aldaar aan lange lansen
De leeuwen dansen, de leeuwen dansen"
NoLordy Capone said:
Can anyone translate this?

"Het Vlaamse heir staat immer pal
Daar ’t winnen of daar ’t sterven zal
Alhier, aldaar aan lange lansen
De leeuwen dansen, de leeuwen dansen"

Ok, i'll give it a shot!
Pity that translating poems usually ruin the intention in which it is written in it's original language. It might miss the tendency).

"The flemish seigneur ever stands firm
there he'll win or there he'll die
Here, and there on long lances
The lions dance, the lions dance"

(and indeed, if it would have been only one lance, or only one lion..
it would had rhymed better in english) ;)
