Nevermore Vs..........iced Earth

they should sticky this thread, so newbs stop asking about abnds that sound like nevermore and all that other annoying bullshit

you must not have read the whole thread then

and the mods now are great, things are kept clean, but not retarded like they would if bozarth was mod.
Chromatose said:
this was an anti-climatic thread rebirthing :erk:

You didn't hear the solo.

It was performed by the mighty Dark Lord, Melkor, before his fall, in the halls of the Ainur, before Ilúvatar.
Honestly, I'm anticipating the Alive in Athens DvD a lot more than the Nevermore one. I'll probably consider it the greatest metal DvD of all time if it meets my expectations.
lizard said:
it rises phoenix-like from the ashes periodically, like the "Drunk" thread on RC where HellMike jumped out the 4th floor window

good literature is irrepressible

hahaha yes this is true, when i first stumbled here almost three years ago I found his thread and it still is a living breathing festering abomination to this day. I love UM.