
Oh, and since when is 'creating the whole neo classical genre' considered an accomplishment?

Those guys are fucking Euro Prissy Fags and couldn't write a decent riff even if Jeff Waters (Or Loomis) showed them how.

pwned again.
After searching for years, I've finally found the forum of stupidity. However, this plays really disgusts me. Are you payed for being so stupid? Take a fucking look around here, the regular posters give the impressions of all being ever-gaping assholes.

And a happy new year!
Firehead said:
Oh, and since when is 'creating the whole neo classical genre' considered an accomplishment?

Those guys are fucking Euro Prissy Fags and couldn't write a decent riff even if Jeff Waters (Or Loomis) showed them how.

pwned again.'re just a scary metal monster.

You should always pay some form of homage to the originators...Loomis would not be playing in the manner he does if it wasn't for the likes of Schenker, Rhoads, Roth and Malmsteen...among others. Dispute that and you certainly show your ignorance. Go adjust your nose piercing and pop another zit.
L0bster said:
After searching for years, I've finally found the forum of stupidity. However, this plays really disgusts me. Are you payed for being so stupid? Take a fucking look around here, the regular posters give the impressions of all being ever-gaping assholes.

And a happy new year!

Well...thank God you've arrived to show us all the error of our ways. Why don't you pop back over to the Nevermore board and get some strategies for your next game of Dungeons & Dragons. And yes, we get a consulting fee of $250 an hour for stupidity...the more stupid the better, so you could probably make a fortune here...happy new year, dick.
bobo'c said:
Fuck Nevermore. How's that for intelligence? You dolt.Die metal herb.

Yeah...Nevermore is brilliant...must be metal for intellectuals...ha!!! what a bunch of shit! They're so brilliant that no one will even know who the fuck they are in ten years...if not less.

I agree with bobo...fuck off. If they were so great, all you little groupies wouldn't have to come here to defend them. All you can do is throw insults...why not try to convince us of their greatness...make some listening suggestion, for "experienced" metalheads of such high standards should certainly be able to create an intelligent argument between tubes of Clearasil.
haha this thread is really funny ;)

ppl sould learn that there are more opinions than ONE! :|

but ... i also dunno like britney ... and i dunno buy her cd`s and for sure i dunno download her stuff :|

so ... as u can see ... downloading is a shitty thing ... if u`d bought the cd, u could return it to the cd store now

:loco: :loco: :loco:
VickyH said:
haha this thread is really funny ;)

ppl sould learn that there are more opinions than ONE! :|

but ... i also dunno like britney ... and i dunno buy her cd`s and for sure i dunno download her stuff :|

so ... as u can see ... downloading is a shitty thing ... if u`d bought the cd, u could return it to the cd store now

:loco: :loco: :loco:

You can't return open CD's in this country, babe. The album was purchased and downloaded legally through iTunes.
schenkadere said:
You can't return open CD's in this country, babe. The album was purchased and downloaded legally through iTunes.

as i think ur from the us ... i must say ... us suxx :D hahaha

non of the cd`s are packed :| and also if they are u can bring them back :|

and ... I can read - i know that it was LEGALLY purchased ... thank u ;)
Why do you all keep replying to this guy? Your only fueling him to continue to talk. I mean, it's bad enough that all of you even read his worthless opinion to begin with, but the fact that you all replied just makes it worse. So he doesnt like This Godless Endeavor... who cares? If he would rather listen to tub girl shitting on herself, then thats fine with me, I hope it gives him a high hard one.

Anyway, what the fuck are all of you doing browsing a Billy Milano forum anyway?

PS: Please dont post back insulting me "schenkadere," it hurts my feelings when people make fun of me and the bands that i like.
Tempest said:
Why do you all keep replying to this guy? Your only fueling him to continue to talk. I mean, it's bad enough that all of you even read his worthless opinion to begin with, but the fact that you all replied just makes it worse. So he doesnt like This Godless Endeavor... who cares? If he would rather listen to tub girl shitting on herself, then thats fine with me, I hope it gives him a high hard one.

Anyway, what the fuck are all of you doing browsing a Billy Milano forum anyway?

PS: Please dont post back insulting me "schenkadere," it hurts my feelings when people make fun of me and the bands that i like.

Boo hoo...go away.

I reviewed the album...I posted it here on the Milano's your little friends that got insulting and put the link on your board, so stop crying and stay where you belong. Get a thicker's just a band.

Can you believe this guy?
So if you don't care about what we think then why did you report this thread to UM, Tempest?? I thought you didn't care:Smug: LOSER!!!! Stay on the Nevermore boards and stop coming here. We aren't coming over there and harassing your lame asses
In case you didnt notice, I was remarking on the fact that the Nevermore fans were complaining about your post.

I started by asking why they bothered posting.
Tempest said:
Why do you all keep replying to this guy?

I then moved on to mention that I think it is stupid for them to reply to your oppinion.
Tempest said:
it's bad enough that all of you even read his worthless opinion to begin with, but the fact that you all replied just makes it worse.

I then defend your oppionion with this next comment, telling everyone that it doesnt matter if you have a different taste in music.
Tempest said:
So he doesnt like This Godless Endeavor... who cares?

I then close my post with this next question, which is similar to what you told me (see below).
Tempest said:
Anyway, what the fuck are all of you doing browsing a Billy Milano forum anyway?

schenkadere said:
We're not on your board...your groupies invaded here.

They look pretty similar to me!

And before I posted, I simply asked you not to write back insulting me... which you did. That was very rude of you.
Tempest said:
PS: Please dont post back insulting me "schenkadere," it hurts my feelings when people make fun of me and the bands that i like.
Tempest said:
And before I posted, I simply asked you not to write back insulting me... which you did. That was very rude of you.

Read the warning before coming in here. It says "Not for the easliy offended" so don't come here if you are going to cry about someone insulting you.
What warning? you mean the forum SUBTITLE? Yeah thats a real warning alright, how about you read your fucking forum sticky "The New "Rules of Engagement" Everyone please read this!!"

Notice that at the end of every "rule" it says RESPECTFULLY. I asked for no insulting replies, and none of you opted to respect my wishes.

Psuedo warning or no warning at all, YOU still broke your own forums rules. OMGWTF!
Enough of this foolishness...go away. You're just perpetuating this. If you don't like it, just leave and stop coming here, writing and responding. I don't care if I'm rude. What's rude is your flunky nerds coming to this site just to spout their naive musical opinions.