
Tempest said:
What warning? you mean the forum SUBTITLE? Yeah thats a real warning alright, how about you read your fucking forum sticky "The New "Rules of Engagement" Everyone please read this!!"

Notice that at the end of every "rule" it says RESPECTFULLY. I asked for no insulting replies, and none of you opted to respect my wishes.

Psuedo warning or no warning at all, YOU still broke your own forums rules. OMGWTF!

:waah: :waah: :waah: :waah:
Tempest said:
What warning? you mean the forum SUBTITLE? Yeah thats a real warning alright, how about you read your fucking forum sticky "The New "Rules of Engagement" Everyone please read this!!"

Notice that at the end of every "rule" it says RESPECTFULLY. I asked for no insulting replies, and none of you opted to respect my wishes.

Psuedo warning or no warning at all, YOU still broke your own forums rules. OMGWTF!

Now I wish Billy would deck the rest of the band and you along with them.

What a bunch of whining, crying babies.
Tempest said:
What warning? you mean the forum SUBTITLE? Yeah thats a real warning alright, how about you read your fucking forum sticky "The New "Rules of Engagement" Everyone please read this!!"

Notice that at the end of every "rule" it says RESPECTFULLY. I asked for no insulting replies, and none of you opted to respect my wishes.

Psuedo warning or no warning at all, YOU still broke your own forums rules. OMGWTF!

I mean, un-metal are these guys?
Ahhhh, Typical pathetic responses.

You know... you got me thinking now... this is a Message board correct? And on message boards, someone posts a topic, in this case an oppinion. Now the point of a message board is for people to have discusssions. The discussion here is your oppinion of the new Nevermore album.

You OBVIOUSLY want people to comment on your opinion, otherwise you would not have posted it on a message board. So now you have people commenting on your oppinion, telling you their oppinions on the same subject, and commenting on weather or not they agree with your opinion or not.

So now that you get to read your feedback from other members of this community... you bash them for their replies, and tell them that they are whining and crying about what you wrote. Sounds to me like a desperate cry for attention.

"Hey everyone, come look at my opinions, please tell me what you think, so i can then tell you what a fag you are for dissagreeing with me."
OH, and to comment on your original post while I'm here.

DUDE! You cant honestly tell me that the shredding at the end of the song This Godless Endeavor is boring. That song kicked ass. And if you dont like the cd, what are your thoguhts about the previous Nevermore CDs? Are you just not a fan of the band or is it just that cd? (assuming you've listened to them too)
Your Nevermore folk came here to be insulting...not to be constructive or to challenge my opinion. I was interested in the opinions of the people here...not the Nevermore dorks. They had nothing to say that would even have made me think to give them another try...and now, forget it...I see what their fan base is made of.

I welcome someone to show me another way to look at things or to suggest different listening, but they were just childish and naive responses.

Some of the Milano folk liked them and said so...but there was no back and forth battle with them. They stated their opinion and that's's all good.
schenkadere said:
Yeah...Nevermore is brilliant...must be metal for intellectuals...ha!!! what a bunch of shit! They're so brilliant that no one will even know who the fuck they are in ten years...if not less.

I agree with bobo...fuck off. If they were so great, all you little groupies wouldn't have to come here to defend them. All you can do is throw insults...why not try to convince us of their greatness...make some listening suggestion, for "experienced" metalheads of such high standards should certainly be able to create an intelligent argument between tubes of Clearasil.

haha ok man, I tried to be respectful but now youre just making yourself sound like an idiot. believe me when i say that nevermore will be remembered 10 years from now by a large, loyan fane base. second, i believe in my first post i gave some examples of some 'emotional' solos, but ill do it again. check out the acoustic solo in "deconstruction," the solos in "the heart collector," "engines of hate," "tomorrow turned into yesterday," "this godless endeavor (the sweep including the last 4 notes is fantastic),"believe in nothing," "beyond within" to start.

And whats with all this "leave our forum alone" shit? UM is a metal community and people can post where they want.
Wow schenkadere, all the Nevermore fans said was that you were wrong, they never insulted you, only that guy Firehead, but fuck him. The rest of the insulting was between saucy and devy. you were the first person to come with the attack calling all the nevermore fans a bunch of fags.

you need to get real, stop whining and crying just because people have a different oppinion thant yours... and its funny because you should know that already since thats been your excuse all along to the nevermore fans.

WOW I should be king of this board too.
my question is what is such a musically gifted geetar shredder like yourself doing wasting time with all these hicks and rednecks who post here? why not go to the gmd or hell even the........NEVERMORE forum or OPETH forum where people discuss music and not some fatass hick's diatribes on how his former band screwed him over?
First I shall take throne of this board, then I shall have the guards throw that man to the vikings.
